Volume 22, Issue 4
Empirical Approaches to Determining Affect Displayed by Caribbean People For the Works of Caribbean Musicians
Humphrey Regis
Does Affirmative Action for Blacks Har Whites? Some Evidence From the Higher Education Arena
Hugh A. Wilson
Changing the Face of Congress: African-Americans
in the Twenty-First Century
Charles E. Menifield and Frank H. Julian
Afrocuban Religions in Sara Gomez’s One Way or Another
and Gloria Roland’s Oggun
Hasenah Ebrahim
Trouble Man: The Art and Politics of Marvin Gaye
Mark Anthony Neal
The Noyes Academy, 1834-35: The Road to the Oberlin Collegiate Institute and the Higher Education of African-Americans in the Nineteenth Century
Russell W. Irvine and Sonna Zani Dunkerton
Book Reviews
I thought My Soul Would Rise and Fly
Auther: Joyce Henson
Reviewed By: Nancy J. Dawson
Christianity on Trial: African-Amrican Religious Thought Before
and After Black Power
Author: Mark L. Chapman
Reviewed By: Vernon J. Williams

The WJBS site is normally maintained by Tanya Gonzales. Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions. |
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