Volume 23, Issue 2
Peril or Promise: The Effect of Desegregation Litigation on Historically Black Colleges
Edward Taylor and Steven Olswang
Representing West Indians in Film: Ciphers, Coons, and Criminals
Milton Vickerman
The Color Line as a Confining and Restraining Paradigm: Keith Richburg and His Critiques Analyzed
The Chicago Defender: Filling in the Caps for the Office of Civilian Defense, 1941–1945
Caryl A. Cooper
Gender, Race, and Homicide: A Preliminary Analysis
Clara B. Jones and Yvonne McJetters
Environmental Justice for Black Americans: A Question of Fairness
William Arp, III and James Llorens
Book Reviews
White Collar Factory
Author: Jack Washington
Reviewed By: E. Lincoln James
Langston Hughes: Folk Kramatist in the Protest Tradition, 1921–43
Author: Joseph McLaren
Reviewed By: LaMonda Horton-Stallings
Mammies No More: The Changing Image of Black Women On Stage and Screen
Author: Lisa M Anderson
Reviewed By Janice D. Hamlet
Beyond the Boundries: Reverend Jesse Jackson in International Affairs
Author: Karin L. Stanford
Reviewed By: Mark Christian

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