Volume 24, Issue 2
L. Keita's Request for Further Documentation in his Review of Afrotopia:
The Roots of African-American Popular History
Wilson J. Moses
Place, Politics, and the Performng Arts in the African Diaspora
Rhett Jones
Achieving Authenticity in the Film Ghosts of Mississippi:
Identity and Authorship in Historical Narratives
Andrew Billings
Economic Strategies for African-Americans as We Begin the New Millennium
Basil G. Coley
Christ is Black with a Capital "B":
African-American Christianity and the Black Studies Project
Rupe Simms
The Historical Significance of Sacrificial Ritual: Understanding Violence in the Modern Black Fraternity Pledge Process
Ricky L. Jones
Book Reviews
Thurgood Marshall: American Revolutionary
Author: Juan Williams
Reviewed By: Andrew P. Smallwood
Taboo: Why Black Black Athletes Dominate Sports
and Why We Are Afraid to Talk About It
Author: Jon Entine
Reviewed By: L. Keita

The WJBS site is normally maintained by Tanya Gonzales. Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions. |
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