Volume 26, Issue 2
From Poetry to Rap: The Lyrics of Tupac Shakur
Walter Edwards
Growing up in the Bronx and Harlem, Tupac learned and excelled in the verbal dexterity and exuberances that characterize African American working class speech culture. At the same time Tupac also absorbed influences from his mother's political past. From Afeni, from Afeni's husband Lumumba Shakur, and from Lumumba's brother, Muula Shakur, all former Black Panther activists. Tupac learned to believe that racism, economic discrimination and other forms of oppression contributed to the poverty and powerless of working class Blacks.
The Silent Voices: 2000 Presidential Election and the Minority Vote in Florida
Revathi I. Hines
The 2000 presidential elections in Florida had a great impact on the minority vote, especially the Black vote. Blacks in Florida were more likely than other voters to have their ballots rejected. They were assigned to polling sites that (a) lacked resources to confirm voter eligibility, (b) used defective and complicated ballots that caused undervotes and overvotes, and (c) erroneously purged ex-felons off the voter lists. Some Hispanics and Haitian voters were not provided bilingual assistance and some disabled were unable to gain access to the polling sites.
pp. 71–74
Conflicts in Coalition: Challenges to Black and Latino Political Alliances
Sekou Franklin and Richard Seltzer
One of the more controversial voter initiatives involving the contours of racial and ethnic politics in California was Proposition 187, which was placed on the ballot in 1994. Targeted mostly toward the state's bourgeoning Latino population, Proposition 187 proposed to bar illegal immigrants from receiving state-funded human, health, social, and educational resources and services. We utilize data from the Los Angeles Times' (LAT) September 1994, pre-election survey and The LAT November 1994 exit poll survey, to assess Black attitudes toward Proposition 187 and a subset of sociopolitical and economic issues that impact upon Latino immigrants. We use this as a proxy for assessing future challenges to political alliances involving Blacks and Latinos in multiracial/multiethnic urban settings. We found that Black attitudes toward Proposition 187 represent a dialectical tendency within Black political opinion—one that looks at the Black/Latino encounter as shifting between conflict and cooperation.
pp. 75–87
The Effects of the Intersection of Race, Gender and Educational Class on Occupational Prestige
Anthony Lemelle
Internal colonialism and dual labor market theories are used to interpret race, gender and educational class distributions of occupational prestige. By treating occupational prestige as the dependent variable, the author shows race and gender matters and demonstrates the interaction effect of educational achievement. The Study uses data from a weighted 1 percent randomly selected sample of all high school graduates and higher of the Census Bureau Integrated Public Use Micordata (N=140, 847, 881). Analysis of variance shows that each race and gender group means are statistically significant on the Duncan Socioeconomic index. The author argues that these differences result in likely race, gender and educational class conflicts.
pp. 89–97
Cross Cultural Perspectives in Supervision
Roxanne M. D. Gardner
Although the counseling literature is clear that counselors need to understand and respect cultural differences among clients, the supervision literature is limited to addressing the issues that arise in cross-cultural supervision pair. As a consequence, little is know about the dynamics involved in cross-cultural supervision of counselor trainees, particularly African American supervisees. Qualitative data reveled growth-promoting factors to be supervisiors' competence and the interpersonal bond between supervisor and supervisee. Growth-limiting factors discussed were cultural insensitivity, communication styles, and critical feedback. This research may be particularly relevant for counselor educators as the focus in supervision moves toward a more culturally diverse approach.
pp. 98–106
The Afrikan Legacy in Personalism
Rufus Burrow, Jr.
This article is another step in my long-term work in the philosophy of Personalism, the view that persons are the highest intrinsic values and that ultimate reality is personal, loving, and compassionate. Although the philosophy of Personalism was first developed systematically by the Anglo scholar Borden P. Bowne at Boston University from the latter part of the nineteenth to the first decade of the twentieth century, my research increasingly reveals that its deepest roots may be found in Afrikan traditional thought and practice. This article is a first step in uncovering the Afrikan roots of Personalism, as well as noting some of the key differences between Afrikan and Western Personailsm.
Book Reviews
The World is a Ghetto: Race and Democracy Since World War II
Author: Howard Winant
Reviewed By: Joseph Deering
The African American Studies Reader
Author: Nathaniel Norment, Jr.
Reviewed By: Aslaku Behanu
Better Day Coming: Blacks and Equality, 1890–2001
Author: Adam Fairclough
Reviewed By: Paul T. Miller

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