Welcome to the English 102 General Information Page

The purpose of this page is to provide potential students and tutors of the English 102 program with a brief background into English 102.

What is English 102?

In 1991, lead by Lisa Johnson-Shull (now the Writing Lab Director, then a graduate student) members of the WSU Writing Lab piloted a small group tutorial program linked to English 101. The idea arose out of collaborative learning theory and common sense: Students can learn more about how to write if they work together in small groups with a qualified tutor than they would by solely attending their English 101 class. In the years since our first 102 groups convened, the 102 program has grown into an integral part of WSU's Writing Program, providing quality writing support for approximately 500 students each semester.


Is English 102 a remedial course?

In a word, NO. Although the 102 program began as a support service mainly for weaker students who needed help, as the years have gone by, our philosophy and recruitment process have evolved: English 102 is now offered to students ranging from strong to weak, from Honors English students to Basic Writers. We believe that ANYONE can benefit from the peer critique process and discussion that takes place each week in 102. That includes the tutors as well, many of whom report substantial improvement in their own writing skills after spending focused time discussing and working on their students' writing.


So how do student's end up in English 102?

Some are placed in 102 via the WSU Writing Placement Exam, administered several times each semester. These students are assessed by the Placement Readers as writers who could succeed in 101 with a little extra 102 support. Many other students, however, enroll in English 102 because they've heard positive things about the 102 experience from their peers, their teachers, their advisors, or the Writing Lab tutors who visit each 101 class during the first week of classes.


So how can I get involved?

If you are interested in pursuing a job as an English 102 tutor, fill out an application form (this form can be found in the Writing Lab, Avery 451, or via the application link on the General Information Page) and return it to Steve Smith in the Writing Lab. If you are going to be in English 101 and would like to take English, go to the Writing Lab and ask for Steve. For more information, e-mail Steve Smith, cheshire@mail.wsu.edu

Page last updated 12-10-96