Welcome to the Gen. Ed. 302 General Information Page

The purpose of this page is to provide potential students and tutors of the Gen. Ed. 302 program with a brief background into Gen. Ed. 302.

Gen. Ed. 302: Course Description


What is Gen. Ed. 302?

Gen. Ed. 302 is a group tutorial program designed to help students who demonstrate a need for or who simply desire assistance with their writing. Students can be placed into the 302 program if they do not pass the Junior Writing Portfolio or may voluntarily take 302 to supplement any writing intensive course in which they are enrolled. The course is particularly designed for students taking upper division writing courses and should not be confused with English 102, a one credit hour course designed to support students enrolled in English 101 and similar courses. Students opting to enroll in Gen. Ed. 302, as opposed to being placed in 302, should do so in conjunction with an "M" course (writing in the major course).

What Gen. Ed. 302 is not.

Gen. Ed. 302 is not a grammar workshop or "skills and drills" course. It is designed to help students further develop their research skills, enhance their communicative expertise in a professional setting, and hone their ability to technically edit their own writing as well as the writing of others. For those students enrolled in an "M" course, an additional credit hour of Gen. Ed. 302 assures additional support and conversation concerning the written assignments for that "M" course. Tutors for these "linked" sections of 302 are encouraged to work closely with the teachers of these courses to provide students with specific and accurate advice concerning their writing for that specific course.

What happens in Gen. Ed. 302?

Students meet, as a group, on a weekly basis with a Writing Lab tutor and engage in a conversation to aggressively address problems and issues related to their writing experiences. As the 302 program serves a wide variety of functions, depending on the needs of an equally wide variety of students, the focus of 302 may vary significantly from group to group. Generally, however, most students are required to attend a minimum number of tutorials per semester (usually once per week, 10 weeks out of 12), to always have a piece of writing to discuss at every tutorial, and to meet the demands of syllabus requirements established a the beginning of the semester by the tutor and students.

How do I add Gen. Ed. 302?

In order to add Gen. Ed. 302, you must fill out a Drop/Add form and a schedule worksheet. (If you have already been placed into Gen. Ed. 302 and the course name and number already appears on your class list, you do not need to fill out a Drop/Add form, but you must complete a schedule worksheet.) Drop/Add forms are available in the Writing Lab, and students are responsible for submitting Drop/Add forms to the Registrar's Office. Schedule worksheets are also available in the Writing Lab or will be provided in class for students enrolled in a "linked" 302 course. This form must be completed and submitted to the Writing Lab or to the 302 Coordinator's office by the end of the first week of classes.

Who should I contact if I am interested or have questions?

If you are interested in enrolling in the 302 program, in tutoring a 302 program, have questions about how 302 may assist students in your class, or would simply like more information, you can contact the 302 Coordinator, Joel Norris via e-mail,Jnorris@mail.wsu.edu; by phone, 335-1323 or 335-6471; or by stopping by Avery 491.



This page last updated on 12-8-96