Edith Wharton at Newport: 2000
Registration Form

Go to Registration Form  *  Housing Information  * Tours  * Conference Schedule

Send completed form, together with payment, to

Edith Wharton at Newport: 2000
c/o Dr. Carole Shaffer-Koros
Director, MA in Liberal Studies
Kean University
Union, NJ 07083.



>>>>>Registration due April 1, 2000<<<<<

Name: ________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________




E-mail: ________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Fax: ________________________________________________________________

If you will have a different address in June, please indicate below:

Affiliation (if any) for conference badge _______________________________________

Conference registration and tours (see enclosed sheet for details):
Conference Registration (includes Weds. night reception, Thurs. lunch and Sat evening cocktail party and banquet) $ 175.00 (USD)
Additional Sat evening gala cocktail party and banquet tickets

________ tickets @$40 (USD) each

________ vegetarian meal(s) requested

total     ____________
NHS Walking Tour of Catherine/Kay/Old Beach Neighborhood 
(Fri p.m.)

______ tickets @ $10 (USD) each total _______________

total     ____________
NHS Walking Tour of Cliff Walk (Sat p.m.) ______ tickets @ $10 (USD) each total     ____________
NHS Bus Tour of Ocean Drive (Fri or Sat p.m.)

______ tickets @ $25 (USD) each for Fri p.m.

______ tickets @ $25 (USD) each for Sat p.m.

total     ____________
Grand total (enclose check for full amount--US Dollars only-- payable to "Edith Wharton Society")             $___________



Lodging Arrangements:
I have made/will make my own lodging arrangements.
  • Optional (for conference information board)

  • My Newport address (private home, hotel, B&B, etc.) will be


Campus Lodging Request (filled on a first-come; first-served basis):
 -- We regret that Salve Regina dorm rooms will not accommodate children under the age of 18.

-- If a spouse or partner is your roommate, you should indicate in space provided. You are then responsible for the total cost per room (e.g., $560 for a double room for 4 nights), and may find off-campus arrangements more cost-effective. (See Housing information).

-- You will be informed of availability by return post and billed for amount due. Payment of all housing costs will be required by date specified or your room will be forfeited.

I request the following type of room.
Single (A/C; bath in room)
Cost $400 ($100/night for 4 nights; continental breakfast included)
Double (A/C; bath in room)
Cost $300 per person ($75/night per person for 4 nights; cont. breakfast incl.)
Name of roommate (required) ___________________________________________
Triple (A/C; bath in room)
Cost $260 per person ($65/night per person for 4 nights; cont. breakfast incl.)
Names of roommates (required) _________________________________________________
I do not wish to reserve four nights lodging. Please place me on a waiting list for the following type of room and for the following nights:
    roommate ___________________________________________________)
    roommates ____________________________________________________)
Nights requested (circle): Weds. (6/21) Thurs. (6/22) Fri. (6/23) Sat. (6/24)

We will fill remaining rooms from the Waiting List (first-come basis) on April 16th.