This page has been accessed
since 28 May 1996
I'm an associate clinical
professor in the Edward R. Murrow
College of Communication at Washington State
University in
Articles and books I've written for use in my courses
MASS MEDIA CRITICISM: A senior and graduate level seminar. We develop an understanding of several analysis methods, including semiology, psychoanalysis, Marxist theory, sociological analysis, and neoAristotelianism. With these tools, we analyze news, advertising, politics and media, and myriad program forms from sitcoms to soap operas. The emphasis is on how media affect their audiences and vice versa.
ADVERTISING PSYCHOLOGY: a senior seminar. The biological and cultural evolution of the human brain and thought processes, and how advertising messages can take advantage of the way humans subconsciously process information.
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF ADVERTISING: An introduction to advertising. The course includes introductions to advertising history, regulation, creative, media planning, consumer behavior, public relations, advertising careers, and international advertising.
ADVERTISING MEDIA PLANNING: A junior level practicum course. The theories, methods, and practical applications in selecting and buying media time and space to most effectively place advertising for a client.
TELEVISION SCRIPTWRITING: A junior level practicum course. Writing scripts for television shows. Includes formats, dramatic theory, plotting, characterization, dialog, camera use, etc.. Theory is applied through the writing of scenes, and ends with the creation of a new half-hour TV show from the initial producer pitch to the finished pilot script.
TELEVISION PERFORMANCE: Intended mainly for the person who desires to work before the camera in a non-fiction area, such as news or sports. Concentration is on script analysis, vocal production (enunciation, pronunciation, vocal variety, clarity, and attitude), and appearance (gesture, facial expression, camera interaction, dress, make-up, hair). Includes tricks of the trade in anchoring, standup, weather and sports reporting. Basically, how to avoid looking like a total dork on the tube.
ORAL INTERPRETATION: The analysis and reading aloud of literature. Emphasis in on text analysis and proper use of the voice (pitch, rate, timbre, volume, etc.) to deliver the text in the most effective way. Includes examining prose, poetry and drama.
ADVANCED PUBLIC SPEAKING: A junior and senior level practicum class. The creation and delivery of speeches at an advanced level, including structure, word choice, scansion, audience analysis, and vocal production.
PUBLIC SPEAKING: a beginning level practicum class in the creation and delivery of speeches.
MEDIA THEORY AND SOCIETY: An overview of critical theories in communication and mass media, and the history and development of mass media and their effects on society.
You can reach me by e-mail
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