Featured Site: CLNet History pages Excellent set of soures on Chicano/Latina and borderlands history, from pre-colombian era to the present.
Historical Sites and Documents
- The Journey of Alvar Nuñez Cabeza De Vaca (1542)
- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Project Site that includes links to the complete works of this 17th century Mexican nun whom many regard as the first important feminist intellectual of Ibero-America.
- Relaciones Geographica archive Rich source of images and maps of pre-Columbian Mexico.
- The Journey of Francisco Vazquez de Corondo Written by Pedro de Castaneda, of Najara Reproduction of text includes chapter list.
- Treaty of Velasco (1836) between Santa Ana and the Republic of Texas.
- Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Ending the Mexican-US War in 1848.
- Proclamation Texas Independence and key documents of Mexican-American rebellion in Texas.
- Mexican-US War, original documents Good sources, from Connexions.
- The Uses of the Spanish Imperial Past in the Early American Classroom: Beyond the Anthology: Sources for Teaching Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Colonial Spanish Literature of North America by E. Thomson Shields, Jr. An effort to correct the commonly held (mis)perception that Spanish Colonial Literature is inaccessible. Nicely organized. Includes bibliography.
- El Plan de Aztlan A key document of the Chicano/a movimiento of the 1960s and '70s.
- Chicano Movement in Washington State While the history of the Chicano/a movimiento in California and the Southwest has received a good deal of attention, the movement in the state of Washington in only recently getting its due.
- United Farmworkers in Washington State Tells the less well-known story of the UFW's work in the Northwest.
- History of Chicano Park The most "muralized" park in the world, San Diego.
- Chicanas Speak Out! (circa 1970) Early documents of Chicana feministas in el movimiento.
- La Causa Archive Major resource on the history of the United Farmworkers, at Wayne State University.
- Chicano Movement in History One version of el movimiento, as told by Octavio Romano-V, in 1995)
- Chicano/a Experience in Arizona Fine, visually rich site for an Arizona State University exhibit of the same name.
- Mexican American Cultural History in Ft. Collins, Colorado Rare lcoal history site from the Ft. Collins library.
Art,Letters and Culture
- Chicano and Chicana Space An arts based introduction to Chicano/a history and culture.
- Digital Chicano Art collection Great resource from California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives.
- Azteca Links to sites emphazing the pre-columbian roots of Chicano/as.
- Chale OnlineGreat chicano/a youth culture site.
- Chicano Forums Major site for information sharing and discussion.
- Chicano/a-Latino/a Queer ResourcesIncludes materials on books, films, magazines, organizations and more.
- Culture Clash A digital exhibit of 20 years of social and political satire by this troupe focused on the border justice and Chicano/a poltics.
- CyberVato Site of performance artist Guillermo Gomez-Pena.
- El Teatro Campesino Site for the most influential chicano/a activist theatre troupe.
- Latino Writers Links for dozens of Latino/a poets, fiction writers, journalists and public intellectuals.
- Making Face, Making Soul Rich Chicana/Latina cultural studies site inspired by the work of Gloria Anzaldua, Cherrie Moraga and their sisters in struggle.
- Latino/a Art Communty Includes directory of hundreds of Latina/o visual artists, links to exhibits, educational materials and much more.
- Alma Lopez Chicana muralista, digitista, videographer and magazine ("Tongues") editor, Alma Lopez. Lopez has been one of the most active artists in bringing issues of sexuality into the archi
- Celcia Alvarez, artista Seattle-based Chicana visual artist Cecilia Concepcion Alvarez.
- Maya GonzalezPainter, illstrator and printmaker.
- Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Soicial (Women Active in Research and Social Change) Coalition of Latinas and indigenous women working for social change, with an emphasis on the power of writing. Produces the journal, Chicana/Latina Studies.
- Musica de la Frontera Searchable audio database of Mexicano/Chicano music with over 30,000 recordings, most from the first half of the 20th century.
- National Council of La Raza Major activist org, often offering current events in historical perspective.
- Latino USA, A Radio Journal of NeNews and Culture From UT Center Mexican-American Studies; includes podcasts
- Latino Literature Course syllabi, research links, and more.
- National Museum of Mexican Art This Chicago-based museum bills itself as the "nation's largest Latino arts institution." In addition to its broader national agenda, it focuses on Latino/a cultures in the midwest and west.
- Queer Chicana Fictions, 1970-2000 Very full bibiography and more.
- Queer Chicanisma
- Indigenous People's Literature Extensive site with many links relevant to the Latina/o US West, and the most extensive list of tribal sites aroudn the nation and the world.
- Where is Home?: Community and Representation in Queer Chicana/o Cultural Production Five online essays, from the 2000 American Studies Associaiton convention, Luz Calvo, Sandra Soto, Lisa Tatonetti, Amy Sue Carroll, and Maria DeGuzman.
- Womyn of Color List of links from lesbian.com.
- Xicano Power Excellent resource on contemporary progressive politics impacting Xicana/os.
Films of Historical Interest
Professional Associations, Archives and Centers
- Association of Borderlands Studies Information on annual meeting and numerous links.
- Aztalan: A Journal of Chicano Studies Online searchable data base of complete articles from the key journal (from UCLA Center).
- National Association of Chicano/Chicana Studies (NACCS) NACCS (pronounced "nox") is the lead professional organization of scholars of Chicana/a Latino/a studies in the US. Website includes links to Chicano/a studies programs around the country.
- Inter-University Program for Latino Research Site for a consortium of research institutions, focused especially on political policy issues impacting Latino/as.
- Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies Center for Chicano-Boricua Studies combines a focus on Mexican-American and Puerto Rican Americans in the midwest.
- Chicano Studies Research Center, UCLA Multidisicplinary research, with links to many aspects of Chicana studies.
- Tomas Rivera Policy Institute
- UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center
- Latino Cultural Heritage Digital Archive From California State University, Northridge. Includes Rudy Acuna papers, Madres de este LA papers, the Culture Clash collection and much more.
- Pew Hispanic Center Excellent site for quantitative information on Latino life in the current moment.
- US-Mexico Border Studies sites A useful index compiled by the New Mexico State University Library.
- Borderlands Encyclopedia Excellent site from UT, El Paso documenting the culture and history of the Mexico-US border regions.
- Julian Samora Research Institute A major research center dedicated to Latino/as in the midwest.
- Mexican American Studies Research Center, Univerity of Arizona Academic programs and research resources focused on the Southwest Hispanic/Latino communities.
- National Latino Research Center Fine site for California State University, San Marcos.
- CLNet From UCLA and UCSB. Geared toward serving Chicanos/Latinos in the greater community as well as on campus, this site provides access to information on jobs, current events, research and university resources.
- Center for Mexican-American Studies, University of Texas Major research center at UT Austin under the direction of Chicano/a studies scholar Jose Limon.
- Hispanic Reading Room, Library of Congress Catalogs, document links, online collections and much more.
- Center for Southwest Research University of New Mexico library. Especially rich in visual materials.
- Smithsonian Latino Center Visually stunning site from the premier museum consortium in the US. Includes a "virtual Latino" gallery of cultural history.