Paper 2 |
Length: 3-4 typed, double-spaced pages (750-1000 words, but can be longer if you wish) Guidelines Content is very important, but good organization, sentence structure, and editing skills are also important. Citations and the Works Cited page should follow MLA format. More guidelines for turning in papers in this class are here: You can find good information on citing sources online here: The following are suggestions for possible topics for your paper, but you can also develop your own topic in consultation with me. Most of them ask you to compare and contrast at least two pieces of writing. Topics These topics are broad and are meant to suggest ideas to you; you should think about developing your own ideas using these as guidelines. 1. Your own topic. Please check with me (via email) about your topic. The only firm requirement is that you must discuss at least one of the works we’ve read in class. 2. Compare poems by Frost or Stevens with one or more poems of Dickinson. In what way could they be considered her "heirs"? 3. Visit the MASC and research several issues of a magazine or newspaper. Who are the popular authors? What are the significant topics? Do you see any stories by the authors we are studying? Do other authors address the same kinds of topics? 4. Choose a story by London or Chesnutt (or another writer) that was published in a magazine or newspaper and discuss it in the context of the other pieces with which it was published. 5. Choosing at least one poem by Frost or Stevens, compare it with other poems by Stephen Crane or an earlier contemporary. 6. Compare the dialect and non-dialect poetry written by Dunbar. 7. How are issues of racial injustice treated in authors such as Dunbar, London, and Chesnutt?