Starring Jack Nicholson, Susan
Sarandon, Cher, Michelle Pfeiffer.
Three dissatisfied single women--Sarandon, Pfeiffer, and Cher--long
for a dark knight to sweep them off their feet and out of their
dreary small-town existences. Their prayers are answered in the
form of the new-greasy-millionaire-in-town Nicholson, who proceeds
to give each woman the lusty romp of her lifetime. Nicholson
seems to have only one fault: he uses his strange supernatural
powers recklessly and wreaks havoc on the town. The three women
use their own powers to escape Nicholson's fiendish clutches.
Contributing Genres: Drama, Comedy, and Fantasy.
Dialogue: This film adaptation of the John Updike novel is intelligent and filled with dry humor.
Monster Type: "Good" witches and a petty warlock.
Gore Factor: This film contains some notable projectile vomiting scene; the audience will never see cherries in the same light.
Scariness/Suspense: Neither, but entertaining nonetheless.
Target Audience:
This would mainly appeal to adult audiences with a taste for
mature humor and sly references to the hypocrisy in small-town