About the William Dean Howells Society

Online Directory of Members WDHS Membership brochure

Membership Form

The William Dean Howells Society is a nonprofit scholarly organization dedicated to the study of the nineteenth-century editor, author, and critic W. D. Howells.

Founded by Jesse Crisler and a group of interested scholars at the ALA in 1997, it sponsors two panels at the annual American Literature Association convention, which is held in May on Memorial Day weekend every year.

The Call for Papers for the Howells Society sessions appears at this site , on the CFP list , and in The Howellsian. The calls for papers are usually posted in September; the deadlines for proposals are usually in early January.

Dues for the William Dean Howells Society are $15.00 per calendar year. As a member of the William Dean Howells Society, you will receive the following:

  • The Howellsian, which is published twice a year.
  • Calls for papers to conferences such as MLA and ALA (American Literature Association).
  • Information and invitations to meetings and social events hosted by the Society.
  • Officers (Elections for officers are held every two years at ALA).

    2011-2013 Officers

    Lance Rubin, President 2011-2013
    Vice President, (open)
    Mischa Renfroe, Middle Tennessee State University, Secretary & Treasurer
    Editor of The Howellsian: Paul Petrie, Southern Connecticut State University

    2009-2011 Officers

    President: Rob Davidson, California State University, Chico
    Vice President and Program Chair: Lance Rubin, Arapahoe Community College
    Secretary: Mischa Renfroe, Middle Tennessee State University
    Donna Campbell , Washington State University
    : Elsa Nettels, College of William and Mary
    Editor of The Howellsian: Paul Petrie, Southern Connecticut State University

    Past Editor of The Howellsian: Sanford Marovitz , Kent State University

    Past President, 2007-2009: Claudia Stokes, Trinity University
    Past President, 2005-2007:Susan Goodman, University of Delaware
    Past President, 2003-2005: Elsa Nettels, College of William and Mary
    Past President, 2001-2003: Sanford Marovitz , Kent State University
    Past President, 1999-2001: Jesse Crisler , Brigham Young University
    Past President, 1997-1999: Sarah B. Daugherty, Wichita State University
    Past Secretary, 1997-2009: Donna Campbell, Washington State University

    By-laws for the WDHS

    http://www.howellssociety.org/index.html. If you have bookmarked another address, please change it to this one.


    Last Modified 10/15/2011 17:16:07 Comments to campbelld at wsu dot edu.