English 357: Literary Editing and Publishing
     Instructor: Bryan Fry
     Office: Avery 371
     Office Hours: MWF 12:00-1:00 p.m.

Group Presentation Assignment

Scenario: you have been invited to a creative writing class as representatives of English 357 as well as representatives of your literary journal. Your goal is to inform the students about the class as well as market your journal and solicit good writing. You have five minutes to complete your presentation.

Your presentation will include an oral and written portion. You should refer to your website or social media outlet (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) in both of these portions so make sure to have something “up and running” by presentation time.

Oral Portion: Your oral presentation may be up to five minutes long. It must be a persuasive presentation in which you include the following details:

1. An overview of English 357 and purpose of our class.
2. A summary of your particular project—consider your marketing strategies and ask yourself the following questions:
  • What is your expertise?
  • What is your design?
  • What will your final product look like? 
3. Provide submission guidelines-emphasize submission deadline.
4. Ask for brief questions.
5. End with a classy conclusion (thank the teacher for invitation to his/her class?).

Written Portion: Include at least one of your marketing materials in your presentation.

Attendance: Mandatory

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