English 402: Technical and Professional Writing
     Instructor: Bryan Fry
     Office: Avery 371
     Office Hours: Summer hours by appointment

     Colaborative Repurposing Project (see rubric)


This will be your final project of the semester. It involves synthesizing information from a technical document and packaging it in a new way for a new audience. The repurposed project may take the form of a website, a brochure, a flyer, a social media outlet, or a variety of other formats. In order to complete this task you will have to complete several individual and collaborative components:

1) a Pitch Proposal ( individual: worth 10% of entire grade)
2) a Progress Memo (individual; worth 10% of entire grade)

4) a Repurposed Product (worth 30% of repurposing project grade)
5) a formal Oral Presentation (worth 50% of repurposing project grade)

6) colleague evaluations (worth 20% of repurposing project grade)

The pitch proposal, progress memo, and completion memo are individual. The rest of the project will be completed by a team of two or three people. You will collaborate on all aspects of the "team" portion of the project. Please note that I will assess your professional participation and communication during the preparation of this project and calculate this assessment into your team grade.  Teams should be composed of people with differing strengths and interests so that all aspects of the project are supported.

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