- What's the significance of the scene where Helga tells Gaillimard she wants him to go to a doctor and get some medical tests (p. 40)?
- What's the significance of Song's name?
- Why is Gallimard's "it was her tears and silence that excited me, every time I vistied Renee" an important line?
- What ultimately fuels Gallimard's fantasy?
- At one point (p. 10) Gallimard feels he has transcended the Pinkerton image, saying for example,
- "the image sickened me, pulled me to my knees so I was crawling towards her like a worm. By the time I reached her, Pinkerton had vanished from my heart. To be replaced by something new, something unnatural, that flew in the face of all I'd learned in the world--something very close to love (p. 47)."
Is what he says really true; has he separated himself from the Pinketon image?
- What is the significance of the window images (see p. 14 and p. 24).
- What's the significance of the very opening of the play when we see a shift from the Peking Opera to the Love Duet from Puccini's Madame Butterfly ?
- What's the significance of the character Song saying "as a Japanese woman? The Japanese used hundreds of our people for medical experiments during the war. But I gather that irony is lost on you?"
- What is the significance of Gaillimard mentioning his "ideal audience?"
- What's the significance of the title?
- What's the significance of Gaillimard's and Song's first meeting? Gaillimard at one point says that he feels power. Why is this a significant contrast from his past self-image?
- What is the significance of the butterfly image?
- What is the significance of Song saying, "How can you objectively judge your own values?"
- What is the significance of the fact that Gaillimard and Marc share an expensive bottle of wine?
- What is the significance that the Vietnam war forms the background of the play?
- What is the significance of the following line said by Song, "Now I see--we are always most revolted by the things hidden within us"?
- Why is it significant that the play begins and ends in a prison cell?
- What is the purpose of the Brechtian touches?
- What is the point of the scene where Song steps out of the witness box?
- What, then, is the ultimate point of the play?