technical and professional writing
engl 402.02 summer 2009
patricia freitag ericsson
Avery 223 Phone: 335-4820
Summer office hours by appointment


catalog description
Research writing: defining, proposing, reporting progress; presenting a final product; other professional writing needs.

Quick link to course schedule

detailed description
In this course you will learn a rhetorical approach to producing technical and professional documents from job application materials to technical research reports. While it is guided by the needs and practices of business and industry, this course promotes rhetorical approaches and ethical assessments and judgments. These approaches, assessments, and judgments are part of an effort to move technical and professional writing to a position that encourages holistic thinking and ethical, sustainable practice as part and parcel of this kind of writing.

course objectives
By the end of this course students will be able to
> identify and analyze rhetorical situations and apply rhetorical strategies to technical and professional writing;
> understand the relationship between writing and larger societal groups and social issues;
> compose and revise a variety of technical and professional documents that respond to the identified rhetorical situation;
demonstrate a knowledge of research techniques and inclusion of research results in technical and professional documents;
> demonstrate the ability to communicate through professional presentations;
>work both individually and collaboratively to complete technical and professional writing projects.

required Texts
A Concise Guide to Technical Communication
by Gurak and Lannon (3rd ed)
The Non-Designer's Design Book by Robin Williams
All assignments must be wordprocessed. Registration for this course includes access to the Avery Microcomputer Lab (AML). An introduction to the AML will be provided, and the course will meet there often. No specific level of computer knowledge is required, but familiarity with basic personal computing will be assumed.
attendance and assignments
To successfully complete this class, you must faithfully attend class and complete all assignments. Because we will be working collaboratively on many assignments, your regular attendance is vital. Specifically this translates to the following:
>more than three absences will seriously jeopardize your grade; after five absences you will fail the class;
> extensive tardiness will be considered in assessing absences;
> planned absences must be discussed and OK’d by the teacher prior to the absence; planned absences count in the total of absences;
> acceptance of late work is unusual and must be discussed in conference with the teacher. Late work will receive a lowered grade if turned in within one week of the original due date. Work turned in later than one week past the original due date will be give an automatic grade of F.

See linked schedule.

wsu accommodation policy
We are committed to providing assistance to help you be successful in this course. Reasonable accommodations are available for students with a documented disability. Please visit the Disability Resource Center (DRC) during the first two weeks of every semester to seek information or to qualify for accommodations. All accommodations MUST be approved through the DRC (Admin Annex Bldg, Rooms 205). Call 509 335 3417 to make an appointment with a disability counselor.

academic honesty
All students are expected to act in accordance with the WSU policies on Academic Honesty found in the Student Handbook. These policies include falsification of information, fabrication of information, plagiarism, multiple submission, and various others. Information about these policies can be found online at the WSU Academic Dishonesty site. These policies will be discussed in class and students will be asked to acknowledge that discussion and a basic understanding of the policies.

projects and evaluation:
Several of the projects below are multi-part. Detailed assignments will appear on the class schedule as the assignments begin.

Resume and Application Letter
Document Design Project

Pitch Proposal

Collaborative Research Project
(15% written report; 8% oral presentation; 2% colleague evaluation)
Memos (2)
In-class Assignments and Quizzes

Note Bene: All assignments must be completed to pass this course.


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