Geoff Allen


My Job

Yes, I Have a Life!

My Interests

My Job

My WSU ID card

Tom Woodle of South Carolina asks concerning this photo, "were you in jail when that photo was made?" Well, Tom, no I wasn't, I was working for the State of Washington. I think there's a difference between that and jail. Besides, it's an ID photo, it's supposed to look bad, right?

I'm a System Administrator in the System Infrastructure Support Group in the Department of Information Technology at Washington State University, in Pullman, Washington. There are eight of us who take care of 50 or 60 Unix servers (a mixture of Linux, Tru64 Unix, and AIX), and more and more Windows servers all the time.

If you want to read the gory details of my professional career, or want to offer me large sums of money to telecommute, feel free to check out my resume.

Geoff Allen,
I'm a system administrator at WSU, but this is not in any way an official WSU web page. See the official disclaimer for details.
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