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Supplemental Links to Topics in Geology 101

List compiled by Shane Smith and Keith Brunstad


Animations of General Concepts, EARTH: Portrait of a Planet by Stephen Marshak


Interactive Isostasy Model, Cornell University


Topographic Maps, Calvin College


This Dynamic Earth - The Story of Plate Tectonics, USGS

Paleomap Project by Christopher R. Scotese - Maps and Animations of plate positions of the past, present and future.


Mineralogy: images and a data base that can be searched for minerals by name or chemical composition.
Smithsonian Gem & Mineral Collection: images and descriptions of outstanding mineral specimens in the Smithsonian’s collection.
Mineral Gallery: commercial mineral site with lots of information about minerals. Searchable via name or class.
Minerals Information, USGS: information under such headings as: What’s New, Publications and Information Products (Mineral Year Book, etc.), Gemstone Production, World Gold, and more.
Introduction to Petrology, University of British Columbia: section on Minerals in Thin Section includes photomicrographs of minerals in plane and polarized light and lists their optical properties.
The Museum of Mineralogy, School of Mines, Paris


Volcanic Features and Phenomena, Cascade Volcano Observatory, USGS: interactive glossary of igneous and volcanological terms.
Introduction to Petrology, University of British Columbia: section on Igneous Rocks.
Oman Virtual Field Trip: field trip to one of the most famous igneous provinces. Lots of images.
Granite, University of Texas: abundant information about granite (especially in Texas).


Volcano Watch, Satellite Images of Active Volcanic Sites
Volcanoes (USGS)
Volcanoes of the United States (USGS)
Monitoring Active Volcanoes (USGS)
Eruptions of Hawaiian Volcanoes: Past, Present, and Future (USGS)
Eruptions of Mount St. Helens: Past, Present, and Future (USGS)
Volcanic and Earthquake Hazards on the Island of Hawaii (USGS)


Glaciers, Washington State University
Glaciers, Rice University


Earthquake Hazards Program (USGS)
National Earthquake Information Center (USGS)
Recent earthquakes recorded by the University of Washington PNSN
Information from University of Washington PNSN regarding the Nisqually earthquake

Tsunami, University of Washington