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  • Southern Poverty Law Center. Nonprofit org that combats hate, intolerance, and discrimination through education and litigation. Includes Klan Watch and law center info.
  • Civil Rights Division. Educates the public about civil rights issues and enforces the laws surrounding them. Find a department overview, special issues, and speeches.
  • Liberty Counsel. Nonprofit religious civil liberties organization provides education and legal defense to people in Florida and nationwide.
  • Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. Provided by the US House of Representatives Internet Law Library. Alphabetized and general links to national and international law sites.
  • Commission on Civil Rights. Learn about this agency, which collects and evaluates data on discrimination, and submits its findings to congress and the president.
  • The Civil Rights Project. Information about conferences, papers, publications, and speeches at Harvard University pertaining to civil rights issues.
  • Early Civil Rights Struggles. Read profiles of the struggles and legal acts that lead to the end of segregation.

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Human Relations and Diversity, 134 French Administration Building, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-1013 USA