SCHEDULED DATE: Wednesday, February 12th

Below are 30 works from the text. Ten of these will be in the ID part of the midterm, and two will be in the essay part. Know: title; style period and country; artist/architect (see below). Also, be able to answer questions regarding medium/technique; subject/meaning; function/ purpose; notable style characteristics; relevant vocabulary and terms (see Word List #1); reasons for importance in the history of art. All of these will be incorporated into the exam. Each work is different, and the emphasis on what to know is related to the work itself. See your Study Guide . Also come to class!

The ID part of the exam will be multiple choice, computer graded. You will need to supply your own BLUE SCAN SHEET and PENCILS (with good eraser). LEARN THE INFO AS WE DISCUSS IT IN CLASS - don't leave it until the night before the test! Study together in groups or with a friend. Make flash cards or other sorts of visual memory aids (of course, not to be used during the test!).

Fig. #: Artist, Title


17-6 Limbourgs, Page with February
17-11 Campin, Mérode Altarpiece
17-14 van Eyck, Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini (?) and his Wife
17-36 Brunelleschi, Nave, San Lorenzo
17-42 Alberti, Nave, Sant'Andrea
17-49 Ghiberti, Gates of Paradise
17-51 Donatello, David
17-59 Masaccio,Trinity with Virgin, St. John, Donors
17-63 Masaccio, Tribute Money
17-73 Botticelli, Birth of Venus
17-31 Schongauer, Temptation of St. Anthony


18-2 Leonardo, The Last Supper
18-7 Raphael, School of Athens
18-11 Michelangelo, David
18-13 Michelangelo, Sistine Ceiling
Northern Italy
18-23 Giorgione, The Tempest
18-26 Titian, Venus of Urbino
18-32,33 Grünewald, Isenheim Altarpiece
18-38 Dürer, Melencolia I
18-41 Dürer, Four Apostles
Late Renaissance Italy
18-45 Michelangelo, St. Peter's Basilica - remove from test list!!!
18-52 Pontormo, Entombment
18-53 Parmigianino, Madonna with the Long Neck
18-57 Anguissola,Child Bitten by a Crayfish
18-63 Palladio,Villa Rotonda
18-67 Lescot, West Wing, Cour Carré (Louvre)
18-70 El Greco, Burial of Count Orgaz
18-72 Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights
18-74 Brueghel, Carrying of the Cross
18-76 Holbein, Henry VIII - remove from test list!!!

PART II: ESSAY (20 points)

Below is the essay question for the first Midterm. You may NOT use any notes or outlines during the exam, but you are encouraged to prepare and study with others beforehand. We will provide the paper on which to write. Consult the Study Guide and your text (pp.17-23), which should be helpful in organizing and thinking about your essay.

You may CHOOSE ONE of the following two works to discuss in your essay as they relate to the paragraphs below:

#18-7 Renaissance Italy, Raphael, School of Athens
#18-52 Late Renaissance Italy, Pontormo, Entombment

First, be able to identify the work (fill in the blanks, Title, Artist , Style Period, Country - 1 point each, 4 points total). Spelling will count - if it's spelled wrong, it is wrong (1/2 point off!)

Then, in a well-written and well-organized essay, be able to discuss the work in terms of the following statement:

The art from different style periods (times and places) is distinctive - and looks different - because different visual artistic "conventions" or rules become accepted (and expected) by the community as a whole. These have to do with what we term "formal elements" (line, color, texture, etc.) and "principles of design" (composition, scale, proportion, etc.).

Each of the two works above is distinctive to its period and place. DESCRIBE (not just list!) the stylistic conventions or rules - the specific visual characteristics - that tell you that the work you have chosen is from a particular style period. In other words, explain how you know, just by looking at the work and its visual elements, that the work is from the time and place in which it was made.

Be specific and give details - consider both formal elements and principles of design.You may want to focus on aspects such as its medium, type and use of color, three-dimensionality and depiction of space, composition, scale, line, handling of the human figure, etc. (16 points)

Remember: This is about STYLE, NOT subject, meaning, or function.

THERE IS NO REVIEW CLASS BEFORE THE MIDTERM, though we will go over the essay question at various times! A copy of last year's exam (which is a little different in length from this year's version) is posted on the wall outside my office. You are welcome to look it over in the office area (but not take it out of the area).

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