The Western Journal of Black Studies

Submission Information for Contributors

The Western Journal of Black Studies (WJBS) is the leading interdisciplinary journal devoted to publishing scholarly articles that focus on issues related to the African Dispora and the experiences of African Americans in the United States. All manuscripts are subject to the blind review process.


Submission Guidelines:

WJBS only accepts electronic submissions in Rich Text or Microsoft Word format sent as an email attachment to the Editors at All manuscripts must use the current American Psychological Association (APA)  formatting and style. Manuscripts that do not adhere to this format will be summarily returned to the authors. In order to facilitate the journal’s  commitment to the  double-blind review process,  the author's name or any form of identification of authorship should not appear anywhere in the manuscript itself.  The review process usually takes two to four months. Authors of accepted manuscripts will receive notification of acceptance and instructions for publication

• Submissions should be approximately 15 to 30 pages (i.e. no more than 6,000 words, including references) and must contain an abstract of approximately 120 words.

• It is the author's responsibility to secure permission to reproduce quoted text, tables or figures from a copyrighted source. If it is required, the author(s) must obtain written permission and enclose a copy with your manuscript submission.

• Upon acceptance, all authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer agreement with The Western Journal of Black Studies.

WJBS Style Sheet



WJBS Cover

The WJBS site is normally maintained
by Tanya Gonzales
Please feel free to e-mail comments, queries, and suggestions.



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