We are currently conducting biodiversity studies of the aquatic Heteroptera (e.g., corixids, notonectids, saldids) of the Pacific Northwest in particular and other sites as they become available. Over the past several years we have added significantly to our holdings with very strong representation from the northwest, northern California, certain midwestern locations, and certain southwestern locations. We encourage cooperative efforts in these groups.

In keeping with our interests in aquatic insects, we are also conducting surveys of aquatic Coleoptera. Again, our sphere is primarily limited to the Pacific Northwest, but we do have good collections from other, limited locations. Especially strong are our collections of riffle beetles (Elmidae), diving beetles (Dytiscidae), trout-stream beetles (Amphizoidae), water scavenger beetles (Hydrophilidae), and crawling water beetles (Haliplidae). Please contact us for discussion and collaboration in these groups.