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Blood Orange Review

I am one of the three editors of Blood Orange Review, an online literary journal that is published quarterly. Our staff loves to read, they love writers, and they work tirelessly to provide an online forum for fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art that challenges as well as pleases our audience. In the last six years since its first publication, BOR has increased its readership to a population that exceeds most print journals. We receive approximately 300 submissions a month from both national and international writers, and a majority of accepted writers publish widely. To view Blood Orange Review or to submit, visit the Blood Orange Review site.

Each year Blood Orange Review accepts applications for student internships. These positions are competitive and require a passion for the field of editing as well as dedicated service in reading and discussing submissions on a weekly basis. Students selected as interns may receive up to 3 credits per semester.

If you are interested in working as an intern for Blood Orange Review, please contact Bryan Fry.