New Articles 2012

New Books

If you are a member of SSAWW and would like your article listed here, please send the publication information (including a link to the press's page about the book) to Donna Campbell, you would like any information included on this page, please send it in the body of your message,not as a .pdf attachment.

Chapman, Mary. “The ‘Thrill’ of Not Belonging: Sui Sin Far’s “Thrilling Experience.” Canadian Literature 212.1: 191-196.

Ranta, Judith. “‘The Power of Escaping’: Charlotte S. Hilbourne’s Gothic Romance Fiction.” The Journal of Popular Culture 45.2 (April 2012).

Saltz, Laura. “‘The Vision-Building Faculty’: Naturalist Vision in The House of Mirth.” MFS Modern Fiction Studies 57.1 (Spring 2011): 17-46. 2012 Winner of the Margaret Church award for best essay published in Modern Fiction Studies (MFS) in 2011.