From Cheryl Brown:
I am happy to share with you news about an upcoming New York performance
"Lily Bart's Aria" -- world premiere -- from Myron Fink's new opera EDITH
Megan Weston, soprano, performs on the NEW MUSIC NEW YORK
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
8:00 p.m. at Christ and Stephen's Church
120 West 69th Street, Manhattan
Pre-concert lecture begins at 7:45 p.m.. Tickets are $10 at the door
Information: Anna Tonna (718) 728-7936
Ms. Weston will also perform "The Ghost Aria" from Myron Fink's opera THE
CONQUISTADOR which was premiered by the San Diego Opera in 1997.

- Title: Worthy But Neglected: Plays of the Mint Theater Company

Ed.: Jonathan Bank
Pub: Granville Press, 2002
This book contains scripts of several "worthy but neglected" plays which have
been performed in the last few years at The Mint Theater Co. in NYC. Of
special interest to Wharton scholars is a dramatization of The House of Mirth. While
Jonathan Bank has made some alterations to the script, it is largely that of
the Wharton-Clyde Fitch adaptation, which has long been out of print. A
brief introduction to the play discusses changes to the Wharton-Fitch version
and provides a few interesting comments on producing the play. The book
contains scripts that will also be of interest to scholars of this period in
literature, including Alison's House (Susan Glaspell) and Miss Lulu Bett (Zona
Gale). ISBN 0-9718262-0-X $15.95
- Wharton, Edith. Ethan Frome. Waterville, Me. Bath, England: G.K.
Hall ; Chivers Press, 2002.
- Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. Dover Thrift Editions. Mineola,
NY: Dover Publications, 2002.

- Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence. Ed. Michael E. Nowlin. Broadview
Literary Texts. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2002.

- Wharton, Edith. Collected Stories, 1891-1910 Ed. Maureen
Howard. The Library of America, 121. Go
to Hermoine Lee's review in the New York Review of Books.
- ---. Age of Innocence : Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism. Norton
Critical Edition. Ed. Candace Waid. New York: W.W. Norton.
- ---. Collected Stories, 1911-1937 Ed. Maureen Howard. The
Library of America, 122.
- ---. The Cruise of the Vanadis. Photographs by Jonas Dovydenas.
(publisher unknown)
- ---. Custom of the Country. Modern Library Classics. New
York: Modern Library.
- ---. Ethan Frome and Summer. Introd. Amy Strout. Modern
Library Classics. New York: Modern Library.
- ---. Sanctuary. Pine Street Books.
- Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence. Ed. Carol Singley.
Houghton Mifflin (New Riverside Edition), 2000. Includes extensive
readers' notes, introduction by the editor, and about 20 background
and critical readings. The background readings include contemporary
and current selections on topics like Culture, Marriage and Divorce,
Travel and Sport, and Anthropology. The critical readings excerpt
or reprint in whole literary criticism of the novel.
- ---. The Age of Innocence. New York: HarperCollins, 2000.
[Large Print]
- ---. The Custom of the Country. Ed. and Introd. Stephen Orgel.
Oxford World's Classics, 2000. (September)
- ---. Ethan Frome. Introd. Anita Shreve. New York: Signet,
- ---. The Fruit of the Tree. Introd. Donna Campbell. Boston:
Northeastern University Press, 2000. (November 2000; also available
in paperback.)
- ---. The Glimpses of the Moon. Introd. Regina Barreca. New
York: Signet, 2000. (September)
- ---. The House of Mirth. Introd. Martha Banta. New York:
Oxford World's Classics, 2000.
- ---. The House of Mirth. Introd. Anna Quindlen. New York:
Signet, 2000.
- ---. The Reef. Bard Books, 2000.
- Wharton, Edith. The Age of Innocence. Ed. Louis Auchincloss.
New York: Modern Library, 1999.
- ---. The Age of Innocence. Penguin Great Books of the Century.
New York: Penguin, 1999.
- ---. Crucial Instances. Reprint Services Corporation, 1999.
- ---. Ethan Frome. Replica Books, 1999.
- ---. The House of Mirth. Modern Library, 1999.
- ---. Edith Wharton, La Valle della Decisione, a cura di Rita
Severi, Reggio Emilia, Diabasis, 1999.
1998 list is available in the archive
Hermione Lee's review
of the Library of America's Collected Stories of Edith Wharton.
Note: Hermione Lee will be the keynote speaker at the Edith Wharton in London
Additional web addresses
for the Edith Wharton Society. The EWS Site now can be
reached at www.gonzaga.edu/wharton and www.edithwhartonsociety.net as
well as at the traditional address, www.gonzaga.edu/wharton.
Return to an Age of Elegance – Newport Decorator
The Newport Showhouse Guild presents a decorator show house at historic
Quail Tree House, which was built in the 1860's and was formerly known
as Pen-Craig Cottage. In 1885, Quail Tree House became the seasonal
home of Pulitzer prize winning novelist, Edith Wharton, and her husband.
During this time, Edith developed a fascination for interior design
and in 1897 she published her first book, "The Decoration of Houses".
It was the first book written on interior design.
Now over 30 of the region's top interior and landscape designers have
transformed the house keeping true to Edith's design principles of balance,
symmetry and proportion.
During WWII, Edith devoted her attention to raising money for charities
that aided women and children. Proceeds raised by this show house will
be donated to two charities in Newport County that also aid women and
children: The Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center and Women's Resource
Center. We are sure that Edith would be proud.
Who: Newport Showhouse Guild
What: Return to an Age of Innocence, a Decorator Showhouse
Where: Quail Tree House
100 Harrison Avenue
Newport, RI
When: Preview Gala May 16
Open for tours:
May 17, 2003 to June 15, 2003
Tuesday through Sunday, 10am to 5pm
Thursday until 7pm
Designers will be on location on Thursday only; closed on Mondays.
Why: To benefit The Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center and
Women's Resource Center
Tickets: Preview Gala $75 each, must be purchased in advance.
House tour tickets for sale at the door or online at www.newportshowhouse.org
$30.00 per person at the door
$26 advance online at www.newportshowhouse.org
$26 seniors or groups of 10 or more
$24 Guild Members
Further information: web: www.newportshowhouse.org
Email: info@newportshowhouse.org
Phone: 401-846-5574
Sponsors: Providence Journal and RI Monthly
Shakespeare & Company Opens
its Second World Premiere.
The Valley
of Decision
Spring lawn theatre
May 24 - September
1, 2002
Shakespeare & Company, 70 Kemble Street, Lenox, MA 01240
August 14, 2001 Announcement from Nancy Johnson of the Santa Barbara
Botanic Garden: On Sunday, August 26 we will host a slide lecture by Stephanie
Copeland, President of the Edith Wharton Restoration entitled The Complex
Art of Civilized Living: Edith Wharton and The Mount, and it will feature
the Lenox, MA home and newly restored gardens. The lecture will be at
4:00 p.m. at the Four Seasons Biltmore, 1260 Channel Drive and will be
followed by a hosted cocktail reception. Ticket price is $75, contact
# is 805.682.4726 ext.110 for reservations.
5/31/01 Minutes
of Edith Wharton Society business meetings are available.
Italian Villas and their Gardens: An Edith Wharton Tour of Italy.
C-SPAN has a new
series on American writers; the segment
on Edith Wharton airs on 30 July.
**** Q/W/E/R/T/Y 10 ****
ISSN: 1169-2111 ISBN: 2-908930-70-6
Information and orders at: pup@univ-pau.fr
[Note: Please contact the journal for a full
table of contents; only Wharton-related essays have been included here.]
Claire Preston (Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge
University): "Creative Finance: Making Money and Making Fiction in Edith
Wharton's _The Custom of the Country_"
Anne Ullmo (Université de Lille III):
"_The Custom of the Country_: entre romantisme et carnaval"
Minutes from the
EWS meeting at MLA are now available.
Film Version of The House of Mirth.
Update 12/22/00 NPR's "All
Things Considered" segment on The House of Mirth features
an interview with Eleanor Dwight, author of Edith Wharton: An Extraordinary
Life, and Terence Davies, the film's director. (To hear the interview,
scroll down to the bottom of the page.)
From Joyce Mendelsohn:
Edith Wharton's birthplace at 14 West 23rd
Street, NYC is one block away from Madison Square Park. The park is currently
undergoing a multimillion dollar renovation. A letter-writing campaign
is underway to urge the NYC Parks Department to include a special garden
in the park, dedicated to Edith Wharton. Send your letters to: Hon. Henry
Stern, Commissioner City of New York Parks & Recreation The Arsenal,
Central Park New York, New York 10021. |
New Books on Edith Wharton (Note: For new articles and dissertations,
here.) For greater ease of use, this category will be divided
into books published in the current year; editions from 1998-1999 are listed
separately. top
Beer, Janet. Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton
and Charlotte Perkins Gilman : Studies in Short Fiction. New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Bloom, Harold, ed. American Women Fiction
Writers : 1900-1960. Vol. 3. Women Writers of English and Their Works.
New York: Chelsea House, 1998.
Fraser, Kennedy. Ornament and Silence
: Essays on Women's Lives from Edith Wharton to Germaine Greer. Vintage
Books, 1998.
Russell, Vivian. Edith Wharton's Italian
Gardens. Bulfinch Press, 1998.
Stange, Margit. Personal Property: Wives,
White Slaves, and the Market in Women. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins U P,
Turk, Edith. Edith Wharton : Beyond the Age
of Innocence. Tudor Publishers, 1998.
Wright, Sara Bird. Edith Wharton A to
Z: The Essential Guide to the Life and Work. Writers A to Z. Facts
on File, 1998. |
New Editions
---. The Age of Innocence. New York:
Scribner, 1998.
---. The Age of Innocence. Tor Books,
---. A Backward Glance. Touchstone,
---. The Children. New York: Scribner,
---. Collected Stories of Edith Wharton.
Second Edition. Ed. Anita Brookner. Carroll & Graf, 1998.
---. The Custom of the Country. New
York Public Library Collector's Edition. New York: Doubleday, 1998.
---. The Decoration of Houses. New
York: W. W. Norton, 1998.
---. Ethan Frome. Buccaneer
Books, 1998.
---. Ethan Frome. Ed. Elaine Showalter.
Oxford World's Classics. Oxford University Press, 1998.
---. Ethan Frome. Ed. Robin Peel.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.
---. House of Mirth. NTC Publishing
Group, 1998.
---. New York Novels : The House of Mirth,
the Custom of the Country, The Age of Innocence. New York: Modern
Library, 1998.
---. Old New York: Four Novellas.
Washington Square Press, 1998.
---. The Reef. Ed. Stephen Orgel.
Oxford World's Classics. Oxford University Press, 1998.
---. Summer. New York: Scribner, 1998. |