multimedia authoring: exploring the new rhetorics
engl 355 fall 2005
instructor: dr. patricia freitag ericsson
spring 2005
phone: 335-4820
office: avery 223
office hours: 1:15-2:00 tth and by appointment
CP - Course Pack;
DWMX - DreamWeaver MX by Page;
GTP- Getting the Picture by Muth and Kitalong;
ix/ve - visual exercises by Ball and Arola
AML - meet in the Avery Microcomputer LabThis schedule is a work in progress. Assignments will be added and linked as the schedule grows throughout the semester. Plan to check the online version of this schedule at least once a week for updates. The online version is available at
Week 1 Aug. 23 Introduction to class; review of syllabus, schedule, academic honesty policy Aug. 25 CP: Foss, Foss, and Trapp. "Perspectives on the study of rhetoric;" Search for at least two definitions of rhetoric and bring them to class; be ready to explain what you think they mean and how they differ from the definition presented in the reading for today. Week 2 Aug. 30 CP: Catherine Hobbs, "Learning from the past;" Write a one-two sentence summary of Hobbs argument. If you can find a summary in her own words, you can use a quote. Then in one page or so, explain how she supports this argument--include page number references to particular points in the article. Sept. 1 AML; DWMX Lesson One completed; DreamWeaver quiz
Week 3 Sept. 6 Birdsell and Groarke, "Toward a theory of visual argument;" Do Birdsell and Groarke believe that we can argue with images? Explain your answer in a paragraph or two using at least two direct quotes from the article (include the page numbers for these quotes so you can refer back to them). Sept. 8 AML: Jessica Helfand "Electonic typography: the new visual language;" DWMX Lesson Two completed (Lesson 3 if you're using the newer book); DreamWeaver quiz Week 4 Sept 13 CP: Manovich, Prologue: Vertov's dataset;" Movie: "The man with a camera;" Read the linked handout before coming to class in addition to the Manovich reading. From here on the course schedule will change a bit. We need to take a breather and discuss the texts we've been reading in more depth. Check back for changes in a day or two. Whew! Sept. 15 CP: Martin Solomon: "The power of punctuation;" The schedule has changed substantially from this point on (9/18/05). Week 5 Sept. 20 CP: Nicholas Burbles, "Rhetorics of the Web. hyperreading and critical literacy" Sept. 22 AML: DWMX Lesson Three (new book, Lesson Four) completed; : DreamWeaver quiz; Technology Autobiography Assignment Week 6 Sept. 27 CP: Scott McCloud, "The vocabulary of comics;" and "The infinite canvas: digital comics;" Sept. 29 AML; DWMX Lesson 4 completed; DreamWeaver quiz; GTP: Part 1; Week 7 Oct. 4 AML; GTP: Part 2; workshop on TA and peer groups set up; process for ix/ve setup Oct. 6 AML; DWMX Lesson 5 completed; DreamWeaver quiz; ix/ve: 1, 2, 3; Substantial revision of the schedule follows. Please use this schedule--not any old one-- for up-to-date assignments.
Week 8 Oct. 11 ix/ve 4, 5, 6; discussion of visual rhetoric Oct. 13 AML: Quiz #5 due; TA due; Begin Hypertext Multimedia Argument assignment
Week 9 Oct. 18 AML; Workshop on HMA Part 1; ix/ve 7, 8, 9 Oct. 20 No class--work on HMA on your own time Week 10 Oct. 25 In-class presentatino of HMA Part 1; Discuss HMA #2 assignment; Oct. 27 AML: Workshop on HMA Part 2 Storyboard Week 11 Nov. 1 AML; Storyboard due; in-class critique of Storyboard Nov. 3 AML; Workshop on HMA Part 2; Professional Site Assignment (PSA) Week 12 Nov. 8 Presentations of PSA ideas; teams composed;
Webfolio AssignmentAnother scheulde change here because of the fire alarm interruption on Thursday Nov. 10 In-class presentations of HMA Part 2; Week 13 Nov. 15 Nov. 17 In-class presentations of HMA Part 2 Week 14 Nov. 29 PSA Workshop; PSA Storyboard and Proposals due at end of class; HMA Part 2 due Dec. 1 AML: PSA WorkshopAML; course evaluations Week 15 Dec. 6 Presentations of PSA (PSA due the day your group presents) Dec. 8 Presentations of PSA Dec. 13 Webfolio due by midnight