Horticulture and Landscape Architecture










Postharvest Research

We are using novel chemical indicators (nitrone spin traps) to react with apple skin in order to determine if there is a relationship between chemical indication and superficial scald severity(an economically devastating disorder) after storage. We are testing a hypothesis involving farnesylation of signaling molecules potentially moderating the cell-death response of scalded tissues. We want to determine if the accumulation of chemicals that react to the indicator are related to development of scald symptoms; and further examine the role of active oxygen species in controlling plant responses to the environment. In an experiment with forest trees, we noted a reaction inr on experimental UV-B treated needles and leaves in the presence of the nitrone. Other research activities in our group investigate: the “flavor regeneration“ phenomenon in apples removed from controlled-atmosphere storage. Following periods of low level metabolic activity brought about by CA storage conditions, enzymes and metabolites must be regenerated so the apple can resume production of metabolites including alcohol acetyltransferase and substrates for volatile synthesis; developing robust methods to profile flavor volatiles and phenolics in grape berries and wines produced in Washington, a relatively new growing region; determine heritability of principal flavor and odor-active components with sensory impact present in raspberries from selected crosses, and ascertain the relationship between flavor compound content/sensory impact to facilitate studies concerning the effects of genotype, cultural practices, maturity and postharvest handling on flavor perception in raspberries.



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Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, P.O. Box 646414, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6414 USA

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