Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Water Environmental Research Laboratory WERL

Laboratory Equipment

At Washington State University

WERL is a shared use Research Laboratory in Civil and Environmental Engineering. It is located on the 3rd floor of PACCAR Environmental Technology Building on WSU's Pullman Campus. In addition to the equipment listed below the 3rd floor labs have an autoclave and biosafety cabinet, laminar flow hoods, centrifuges, environmental chambers, and many other facilities to support collaborative environmental research.



Biolin Scientific's Q-Sense is a Quartz Crystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring. This allows real time monitoring of surface interactions with nanogram precision for a variety of samples and experimental set ups. Q-Sense is capable of making measurements of frequency and dissipation at the fundamental frequency (4.95 MHz) as well as the 3rd through the 13th overtones. A wide variety of pre-coated sensor types are available from Biolin Scientific allowing the user to select an ideal substrate for their experimental set up. This real time surface sensitive technique can be used to monitor thin films and surface interactions such as adsorption, desorption, molecular interactions, and structural properties. We are equipment with the Electrochemistry Module and a Gamry 600 Potientiostat allowing the user to investigate the electrochemical properties of these surface interactions as well.

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Atlas Suntest CPS+

The Atlas Suntest CPS+ is a bench top solar radiation testing chamber capable of 300-800nm wavelength irradiance from one 1500W air cooled Xenon Lamp. Temperature control is accomplished through fan controlled Black Standard Temperature Probe or water bath and separate water chiller. Several different light filters are available from Atlas, however the daylight filter is currently installed.

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Perkin Elmer Lambda 365

The Lambda 365 is a compact dual path UV/Vis spectrophotometer with a wavelength range of 190nm to 1100nm and 0.5 to 20nm tune-able bandwidth. The dual path allows for exceptional stability. Currently set up for 1cm x 1cm cuvettes, a wide range of sample holders is available from Perkin Elmer.

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Seal Analytical AQ400

The AQ400 from Seal Analytical is a discrete spectrophotometric analyzer. It is a robotic workhorse that can bring speed, capacity, and reproducibility to your traditional colorimetric methods. Seal provides proven methods for Alkalinity, Ammonia, Chloride, Cyanides, Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrite, Phenolics, o-Phosphate, Total Phosphorous, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Silicate, Sulfate, and more. In addition, the software allows for pretty much any colorimetric method to be programmed in with allowances for method development.

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The Perkin Elmer NexION 350XX is an ICPMS capable of running in both standard and collision cell mode for the reduction of polyatomic intereferences common with elements such as iron. In addition this instrument is capable of doing single particle analysis for detection of metal based nanomaterials. A wide range of elements can be analyzed on this instrument, please contact the lab manager for more information.

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Agilent 6100 LCMS

We have a single quadropole mass spectrometer on Agilents standard HPLC system using a C18 column. Please contact the lab manager for more information about running your methods on this instrument.

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Agilent 5977B GCMS

The Agilent 5977B GCMS is a single quadrupole mass spec detector on Agilent's Gas Chromatograph front end. Please contact the lab manager for more information about running your methods on this instrument.

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LGR Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer

The Liquid Water Isotope Analyzer made by Los Gatos Research (LGR) can analyze delta O18 and Delta H2 liquid water isotope ratios. 1mL sample volumes are needed to use the auto sampler. This instrument takes some time to warm up so advanced notice is required before use.

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