Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Hardy Plants for Waterwise Landscapes

Luzula sylvatica
Greater woodrush

Luzula sylvatica along a path (V.I. Lohr)
Luzula plant (V.I. Lohr)

Plant form

Evergreen, low groundcover which spreads slowly by short runners.


Plant without flowers is about 12 inches tall and 18 inches wide; in flower, plant is about 24 inches tall.


Small, brownish flowers produced in clusters from spring to early summer.

Leaves and stems

Lush, deep green, arching leaves are up to 1/2 inch wide and 12 inches long.

Native area

Europe and southwest Asia.

Water use

Moderate to low.

Culture and maintenance

Good choice for dry shade. Old flowers may be cut off after bloom. If the seed stalks are left on the plant, they will provide interesting winter appearance and a source of new plants. Insect- and disease-free.


Partial to full shade.


USDA Zone 5.


'Aurea' - leaves are chartreuse; this cultivar is not as cold-tolerant as others. 'Variegata' - leaves have very thin, creamy-white edge.


Coarse leaves and attractive form provide a nice contrast to other perennials.


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Horticulture and Landscape Architecture , PO Box 646414, Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-6414, 509-335-9502, Contact Us