My interests are to develop an interdisciplinary research program that will meet local and national needs for value-added agricultural products and address such issues as food safety and develop novel processing technologies.
My publications are seperated into the following categories:
My citation in Web of Science up to Feb. 2018 is shown below
Please review these works and contact me if you have any questions.
Dr. Shaojin Wang
Biological Systems Engineering
Washington State University
LJ Smith 208, P.O. Box 64120
Pullman, WA 99164-6120
509 335-7950
509 335-2722
Electronic Mail:
My Cirriculum Vitae (pdf)
News about our research !
News about our LP research !
Another news about our LP research !
High citation scientists' ranking in China (2014)
High citation scientists' ranking in China (2015)