Assistant Research Professor
interests are development of an interdisciplinary research
program that will meet local and national needs for
value-added agricultural products and address such issues as food
safety and development of novel processing technologies.
Specific research themes include: fundamental thermal death kinetics of microbial and insect pest inactivation; thermal and dielectric properties of agricultural products; development of sterilization and pasteurization of foods and disinfestations of agricultural commodities using radio frequency energy; Computer simulation of heat transfer in food processing systems.
Proud member of:
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
College of Engineering and Architecture
College of Agricultural, Human and Natural Resource Sciences
Agricultural Research Center
Cooperative State Research, Education, & Extension Service
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Association of Overseas Chinese Agricultural, Biological, and Food Engineers
International Microwave Power Institute
Institute of Food Technologist
Dr. Shaojin Wang
Biological Systems Engineering
Washington State University
LJ Smith 208, P.O. Box 64120
Pullman, WA 99164-6120
509 335-7950
509 335-2722
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