
Governments & International Agencies International Agreements

Laws & Public Policy Social Movements


Governments & International Agencies


Plewes, Betty, Gauri Sreenivasan and Tim Draimin. 1996. "Sustainable Human Development as a Global Framework." International Journal LI (Spring): 212-34.

Proops, John L. R., Malte Faber, Reiner Manstetten and Frank Jost. 1996. "News and Views: Achieving a Sustainable World." Ecological Economics 17: 133-35.


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International Agreements


International Commission Statements

Goodland, Robert and Herman E. Daly. 1993. "Poverty Alleviation is Essential for Environmental Sustainability." Divisional Working Paper 1993-42 for the Environmental Economics and Pollution Division of The World Bank: Washington, D. C.

President's Council on Sustainable Development. 1994. The Final Report - Sustainable America: A New Consensus for Prosperity, Opportunity, and a Healty Environment for the Future. (pp. 2-3) Washington, D. C.: United States Government Printing Office.

Serageldin, Ismail, Herman E. Daly and Robert Goodland. 1994. "The Concept of Environmental Sustainability." Chapter for the Institute for Environment and Systems Analysis's (ed.) Principles of Sustainable Development. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

World Commission on Environment and Development. 1987. From One Earth to One World: An Overview. New York: Oxford University Press.


Reviews and Critiques of Statements

Bear, Dinah. 1994. "Public Responses to the President's Council on Sustainable Development Draft Vision Statement and Principles for Sustainable Development." Executive Summary October 20, 1994 for LABAT-ANDERSON Incorporated: 1-5.

Bigg, Tom. 1995. "The UN Commission on Sustainable Development: A Non-Governmental Perspective." Global Environmental Change 5 (3): 251-3.

Simon, David. 1989. "Sustainable Development: Theoretical Construct or Attainable Goal?" Environmental Conservation 16 (1): 41-8.

Tijmes, Pieter and Reginald Luiff. 1995. "The Sustainability of Our Common Future: An Inquiry Into the Foundations of an Ideology." Technology in Society 17 (3): 373-84.

Wagle, Subodh. 1993. "Sustainable Development: Some Interpretations, Implications, and Uses." Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13: 314-323.

Additional Readings:

Hinrichsen, D. 1987. Our Common Future, a Reader's Guide: The Brundland Report Explained. London: Earthscan.

The Council on Environmental Quality and the Department of State. 1982. The Global 2000 Report to the President. New York: Penguin.

UNESCO. 1987. Man and the biosphere: A Partnership for Sustainable Development. UNESCO Courier. 10: 1-34.

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Laws & Public Policy


Bates, G. 1991. The Legal Implications of Sustainable Development. Science of the Total Environment. 108 (1/2): 97-101.

Experts Group on Environmental Law of the World. 1987. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Legal Principles and Recommendations. Prepared for the World Commission on Environment and Development and published jointly with Martinus Nijhoff.

Mangun, W. R. 1991. Public Policy Issues in Wildlife Management. New York: Greenwood Press.

Munro, R. D., J. G. Lammers and E. B. Weiss. 1989. Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: Legal Principles and Recommendations. American Journal of International Law. 83 (3): 685-7.

Saunders, J. O. (ed). 1990. The Legal Challenge of Sustainable Development: Essays from the fourth Institute Conference on Natural Resources Law. Calgary: Canadian Institute of Resources Law.

Repetto, R. and M. Gillis (eds). 1988. Public Policy and the Misuse of Forest Resources. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Van der Straaten, Jan and Judith Ugelow. 1993. "Environmental Policy in the Netherlands: Change and Effectiveness." Dutch Crossing 50 Winter: 130-58.

Von Weizsacker, Ernst U. and J. Jesinghaus. 1992. Ecological Tax Reform: A Policy Proposal for Sustainable Development. London: Zed Books.

Winpenny, J. T. 1990. "National Environmental Policies: The Scope for Government Intervention." The Journal of International Development. Special Edition. No. 2: 441-557.

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Social Movements


Bullard, Robert, ed. 1993. Confronting Environmental Racism: Voices from the Grassroots. Boston: South End Press.

Gottlieb, Robert. 1993. Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement. Washington D.C.: Island Press.

Merchant, Carolyn. 1992. Radical Ecology: The Search for a Livable World. New York: Routledge.

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