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Earth WISE consists of a bibliography and selected abstracts of academic writings exploring a range of social and ecological science perspectives on sustainable development. This compilation attempts to integrate the social, cultural, economic and ecological dimensions of sustainability, giving special attention to the human causes of environmental impacts, the social organization of sustainability and the equity of sustainable development.
Our goal is to assist educators, students, business leaders, elected officials, public administrators and other community members in understanding the topic of sustainability. It is our hope that this increased understanding will promote well-informed, sustainable and equitable policies in both the private and public sectors.
Earth WISE is a working bibliograpy, and is continuously in the process of being updated. We welcome your comments in this effort. Please e-mail us at: susdev@wsunix.wsu.edu
Abstracts of Social Science Articles by Topic
From the Sourcebook Menu, select from among 6 general topic areas of Sustainable Development. You will then be able to narrow your search to more specific dimensions of your chosen topic and select from a number of one page abstracts of related social science articles. In addition to article abstracts, you will find a bibliography of other suggested articles and books related to each dimension of Sustainable Development. Click here to go to the Sourcebook Topics Menu.
From this site, you will be able to link to web sites of selected community organizations that are working on Sustainablity issues. Click here to go to the Community Organization links.
From this site, you may link to the Colby College Web Site on Sustainable Developoment/Economics, where you will find summarized case studies of Sustainable Development projects around the world. Click here to go to the Case Study links.
The social science article abstracts are arranged alphabetically as well as by topic, so that you may easily locate a specific author's works. In addition, you will find a brief list of readers that offer a general introduction to Sustainability. Click here to go to the Alphabetized Bibliography.
The organizations below are working on sustainable development issues in local communities and internationally.
The Center for Environmental Education at WSU
Center for Sustainable Communities at University of Washington
The Center for Sustainable Design
Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources at WSU
Sustainable Communities Information
Sustainable Communities Network (SCN)
The following selected sites provide additional informational resources on ecological, economic and social sustainability.
Department of Energy's Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
The Colby College Website on Sustainable Development/Economics offers a series of summarized case studies of pursuits of sustainable development from around the world. The site also offers a bibliography, and links to other related sites.
The Colby College Sustainable Development/Economics Home Page
Earth WISE is part of a university-wide effort to develop an interdisciplinary
academic emphasis on ecologically, economically and socially sustainable
development. Toward this end, we are working to integrate the knowledge
of scholars in the Colleges of Liberal Arts, Science, Business and Economics,
Agriculture and HomeEconomics, Engineering and Architecture, and Education,
as well as that of business and civic leaders and community members.
Beyond the Earth WISE Sourcebook, other WSU Sustainability Project activities include:
For information on WSU's Sustainable Development Program and Institute, and the Minor in Sustainable Development Studies, please contact:
Earth WISE is the fruit of a partnership between the WSU Department of Sociology and the Trillium Corporation, with the initial aim of providing educational resources for a newly developed course in the Ecological, Economic, and Social Aspects of Sustainable Development, as well as for other interested scholars.
That beginning gradually broadened into a desire to make this body of Sustainable Development literature accessible to students, scholars, business leaders, public officials and the citizenry through a website. The creation of this site was made possible through funding from the WSU Office of General Education, the Weyerhauser Corporation and the WSU Department of Sociology.
- Katie A. Bagby, M.A.
- Department of Sociology
- Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4020
- kbagby@wsunix.wsu.edu
- Jamee K. Dyck, M.A
- Department of Sociology
- University of Nebraska Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588
- jdyck@unlgrad1.unl.edu
- Eugene A. Rosa
- Edward Meyer Professor of Natural Resource and Environmental Policy
- Chair, Department of Sociology
- Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4020
- rosa@wsu.edu
- Eugene Rosa's Web Page
- Riley E. Dunlap
- Boeing Professor of Environmental Sociology
- Departments of Sociology and Rural Sociology
- Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-4020
- dunlap@wsu.edu
- Riley Dunlap's Web Page
- Jean Gorton
- Senior Vice President Trillium Corporation
- 4350 Cordata Parkway
- Bellingham, WA 98226
- gortonj@gocougs.wsu.edu
Special Acknowledgement: Thank you to Jeremy Syme of the WSU Humanities Research Center, for his assistance in designing the Earth WISE logo.