Sustainable Community

People's Participation Human Settlements Livelihoods


People's Participation

Participatory Planning and Policy Making Local Knowledge Public Education


Participatory Planning and Policy Making

Graaf, H. J. de, and C. J. M. Musters, W. J. ter Keurs. 1996. "Sustainable Development: Looking for New Strategies." Ecological Economics 16: 205-16.

Elgin, Duane. 1994. "Building a Sustainable Species-Civilization: A Challenge of Culture and Consciousness." Futures 26(2): 234-245.

Proops, John L.R., Malte Faber, Reiner Manstetten and Frank Jost. 1996. "Achieving a sustainable world." Ecological Economics 17(1996): 133-135.

Simon, David. 1989. "Sustainable Development: Theoretical Construct or Attainable Goal?" Environmental Conservation 16 (1): 41-8.

Wagle, Subodh. 1993. "Sustainable Development: Some Interpretations, Implications, and Uses." Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 13: 314-23.

Additional Readings:

Burkey, S. 1992. People First: A Guide to Self-reliant Participatory Rural Development. London: Zed Books.

Cohen, J. and N. Uphof. 1989. "Participation's Place in Rural Development: Seeking to Clarify through Specificity." World Development 8: 213-235.

Ghai, D. P. and J. M. Vivian (eds). 1992. Grassroots Environmental Action: People's Participation in Sustainable Development. New York: Routledge.

Institute for Local Self-Reliance. 1991. Beyond 40 per cent: Record-Setting Recycling and Composting Programs. Washington: ILSR.

Rahman, M. 1992. People's Self-development: Perspectives on Participatory Action Research. London: Zed Books.

Vivian, J. M. 1991. Greening at the Grassroots: People's Participation in Sustainable Development. UNSRID discussion paper No. 22.

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Local Knowledge

Bernardy, Michael de, Pierre Boisgontier and Georges Goyet. 1993. "The Ecology of Innovation: The Cultural Substratum and Sustainable Development." International Social Science Journal 45 (1): 55-66.

Irwin, Alan, Susse Georg and Philip Vergragt. 1994. "The Social Management of Environmental Change." Futures 26(3): 323-334.

Murdoch, Jonathan and Judy Clark. 1994. "Sustainable Knowledge." Geoforum 25 (2): 115-32.

Redclift, Michael. 1991. "The Multiple Dimensions of Sustainable Development." Geography 1991: 36-42.

Additional Readings:

Warren, D. M. 1991. Using Indigenous Knowledge in Agricultural Development. World Bank discussion paper No. 127. Washington: The World Bank.

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Public Education

Disinger, John F. 1990. "Environmental Education for Sustainable Development?" Journal of Environmental Education 21 (Summer): 3-6.

Elgin, Duane. 1994. "Building a Sustainable Species-Civilization: A Challenge of Culture and Consciousness." Futures 26 (2): 234-45.

Marien, Michael. 1994b. "Infoglut and Competing Problems: Key Barriers Suggesting a New Strategy for Sustainability." Futures 26 (2): 246-56.

Slocombe, D. Scott and Caroline Van Bers. 1991. "Seeking Substance in Sustainable Development." Journal of Environmental Education 23 (Fall): 11-18.

Additional Readings:

Bandhu, D., H. Singh and A. K. Maitra. 1990. Environmental Education and Sustainable Development. New Delhi: Indian Environmental Society.

Brown, J. L., Gotsch, F. Cotterell, T. Crop, L. W. Murchio, S. Talis and M. Varley. 1991. A Sustainable Development Curriculum Framework for World History and Cultures. Global Learning.

Bryant, J.J. 1989. "Environmental Education in the South Pacific: Towards Sustainable Development." Environmentalist 9:45-54.

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Human Settlements

Planning Sustainable Cities Sustainability Indicators


Planning Sustainable Cities

Knight, Richard V. 1993. "Sustainable Development - Sustainable Cities." International Social Science Journal 45 (1): 35-54.

Olson, Robert L. 1994. "Alternative Images of a Sustainable Future." Futures 26 (2): 156-69.

Sachs, Wolfgang. 1991. "Environment and Development: The Story of a Dangerous Liaison." The Ecologist 21 (6): 252-57.

Slocombe, D. Scott and Caroline Van Bers. 1991. "Seeking Substance in Sustainable Development." Journal of Environmental Education 23 (Fall): 11-18.

Yanarella, Ernest J. and Richard S. Levine. 1992. "Does Sustainable Development Lead to Sustainability?" Futures (October): 759-74.

Additional Readings:

Canfield, C. (ed). 1990. Ecocity Conference 1990: Report of the First International Ecocity Conference. Berkeley: Urban Ecology.

Healey, Patsy and Tim Shaw. 1993. "Planners, Plans and Sustainable Development." Regional Studies 27 (8): 769-776.

Institute of Urban Studies. 1991. Sustainable Cities. Newsletter supplement. Winnipeg: IUS.

Maclaren, V. W. 1992. Sustainable Urban Development In Canada: From Concept To Practice. Toronto: ICURR Press. 3 Volumes.

Nicolson-Lord, D. 1987. The Greening of Cities. London: Routledge.

OCED. 1991. Environmental Policies for Cities in the 1990s. Paris: OECD.

Rees, W. and M. Roseland. 1991. Sustainable Communities: Planning for the 21st Century. Plan Canada. 31 (3): 15-26.

Stern, R., R. White and J. Whitney. 1990. Sustainable Cities: Urbanization and the Environment in International Perspective. Presentations from a colloquium on human settlements and sustainable developments, in Toronto. Boulder: Westview.

United Nations Centre for Human Settlement. 1989. Urbanization and Sustainable Development in the Third World: An Unrecognized Global Issue. Nairobi: UNCHS (Habitat).

University of Toronto. 1990. Human Settlements and Sustainable Developments: An International Colloquium on Urbanization and the Environment. Toronto: University of Toronto.


Sustainability Indicators

Gosselin, Pierre, Diane Belanger, Jean-Francois Bibeault and Alain Webster. 1993. "Indicators for a Sustainable Society." Canadian Journal of Public Health 84 (3): 197-200.

Templet, Paul H. 1994. "Equity and Sustainability: An Empirical Analysis." Society and Natural Resources 8: 509-23.

Additional Readings:

Cocklin, C.R. 1989. "Methodological Problems in Evaluating Sustainability." Environmental Conservation 16: 343-51.

Kuik, O. and H. Verbruggen, eds. 1991. In Search of Indicators of Sustainable Development. The Netherlands: Dordrecht.

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Sustainable Livelihoods


Ghai, Dharam. 1994. "Environment, Livelihood and Empowerment." Development and Change 25 (1): 1-11.

Additional Readings:

Bhalla, A.S., Ed. 1992. Environment, Employment and Development. Geneva: International Labout Office, World Employment Programme.

Bebbington, Anthony. 1992. "Sustainable Livelihood Development in the Andes: Local Institutions and Regional Resource Use in Ecuador." Development Policy Review 19 (1): 5-30.

Cernea, M. 1987. "Farmer Organizations and institution building for sustainable development." Regional Development Dialogue 8(2): 1-24.

Chambers, Robert. 1988. "Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: A strategy for people, environment and development." Insititute of Development Studies, University of Sussex.

Conroy, C. and M. Litvinoff. The Greening of Aid: Sustainable Livelihoods in Practice. London: Earthscan.

Conway, G. & Barbier. 1988. "After the Green Revolution: sustainable and equitable agricultural development." Futures 20(6): 651-678.

Shiva, Vandana. 1989. Staying Alive: Women, Ecology and Development. London: Zed Books.

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