Language Texts and Technology Spring 2011
CUE 114
T/TH 13:25-14:40McLuhan: The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects by Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore
Twyman: The British Library Guide to Printing: History and Techniques by Michael Twyman
Weatherford: The History of Money Jack Weatherford Three Rivers Press
Harley: The New Nature of Maps: Essays in the History of Cartography
This schedule will always be a work in progress. A few fieldtrip and other dates are tentative.
Assignments will be added and linked as the schedule grows throughout the semester. Plan to check the online version of this schedule at least twice a week for updates. Homework assignments will be posted on this page throughout the semester. You MUST check this schedule regularly to keep up with course activities/assignments.
Week 1 Jan. 11 Introduction to class; review of syllabus and schedule; academic honesty policy; discussion question: What do we mean by the terms 'language,' 'texts,' and 'technology'? Jan. 13 Before class
Read how the "Web Was Won: An Oral History of the Internet"
Make note of each time you encounter an idea that relates to lanauge, text, and/or technology. If you read the article online and your version of Adobe allows for notes/comments, use that function to make notes; if you print out the article, use your standard method for underlining and note-taking.
Read "As Internet Turns 40, Barriers Threaten Its Growth" which mentions several of the people in the "Oral History" article above.
Read "Passage of Net Neutrality Laws" which updates some of the concepts from the previous two articles.
Week 2 Jan 18
Before class
Read Wikipedia on Marshall Mcluhan.
Read McLuhan through p. 79 -("In the name of 'progress,' our official culture is striving to do force the new media to do the work of the old.")
While you are reading remember that this book was written in 1967!
Homework (turned in at the end of class)
1) As you are reading, be conscious of links that there might be in Mcluhan's text to the interview article you read for class last Thurs. Write down any links you find.
2) Select at least three quotes that made you think hard or that surprised you. (Make sure these are chosen from the entire reading assignment, not just the first few pages! ) Write a few sentences about each quote--insights, critiques, what surprised you, etc.
3) Choose two illustrations that made you think hard or that surprised you. Make sure you save the page numbers of these illustrations. Write a few sentences about each illustration--how it struck you and why.During class
Quote for In-class discussion:
"The medium is the message" tells us that noticing change in our societal
or cultural ground conditions indicates the presence of a new message,
that is, the effects of a new medium. With this early warning, we can set
out to characterize and identify the new medium before it becomes obvious
to everyone - a process that often takes years or even decades. And if we
discover that the new medium brings along effects that might be
detrimental to our society or culture, we have the opportunity to
influence the development and evolution of the new innovation before the
effects becomes pervasive. As McLuhan reminds us, "Control over change
would seem to consist in moving not with it but ahead of it. Anticipation
gives the power to deflect and control force." (McLuhan 199)
Jan. 20 Before class:
Finish McLuhan
During class:
Discussion of McLuhanOut-of-class writing assignment
Due Jan. 25 at beginning of class (note that you also have a reading assignment for Jan. 25 and a quiz over that material)
So far you’ve read the Vanity Fair article on the history of the Internet, two other brief articles, and Marshall McLuhan’s The Medium is the Massage. Based on these readings and our class discussions, complete the following assignment.Write a letter to a friend, your parents, or another person close to you (but not taking the course) explaining the course and the readings we’ve completed so far. Be aware of the audience for whom you’re writing and explain the reading in a way they’ll understand. You must use two quotes and two examples from the readings in your explanation. You must include your own insights on these reading as well as include some synthesis in your letter.
Week 3 Jan. 25 Before class
Complete writing assignment (see Jan. 20)
Read through the Print Unit Overview before you come to class.
Read Chapters 1, 2, & 3 (p. 7-75)Twyman.
During class
Quiz over Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Discuss Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Organize groups for MASC visit Week 4
Jan. 27 No class
Week 4 Feb. 1 Before class
Read Chapter 4 (p. 76-82)Twyman.
During Class
Meet in MASC for exploration of old print techniques and books.
Quiz at end of class over Chapter 4.Feb. 3 Before class
Read Chapter 4 (p. 76-82)Twyman.
During Class
Meet in MASC for exploration of old print techniques and books.
Quiz at end of class over Chapter 4.
Week 5 Feb. 8 University Press tour (field trip project option) and open day for other field trips
Feb. 10 Read the articles below on book readers. We will have access to a few Kindle's and perhaps some other book reader technology.
An Intro. to Book readers from PC Mag
E-readers replacying textbooks at the university
E-readers replacing textbooks in gradeschools
Kindle with page numbers
Privacy and e-readers
Disappearing book
Week 6 Feb. 15 Print project in-class workshop. Noon demo in FA (field trip project option) Feb. 17 Before Class
Read Chapter 1 of Harley p. 34-49
During Class
Map Unit Overview
Introduction Maps
Discussion of Harley Chapter 1
Week 7 Feb. 22 Presentations on book - small group; present overview of your project--5-7 minutes each
Colleague Evaluation Form
Group Project due
Field Trip report due
Feb.24 Before class: Read Harley Chapters 2, and 3.
During class
Quiz over Chapters 1, 2, 3
Discussion of Chapters
Week 8 Mar. 1 Read Harley Chapter 5;
Class Cancelled. Read PowerPoint below before Thursday's class.
PowerPoint on Chapter 5Mar. 3 Guest speaker: Dr. Richard Rupp Week 9 Mar. 8 Meet in MASC
Mar. 10 Meet in MASC
Spring Break Week 10 Mar. 22 Read Harley Chapter 7
Bring one question from each of the following chapters to class for discussion: Chapters 3, 5, and 7.
Mar. 24 Personal Map Narrative due and link shared with class; use "Send" link in upper right hand corner of the map interface to get your Narrative to me. Copying and pasting the link doesn't work very well.
Take-home essay distributed. If you were not in class to get the take-home essay, pick up a copy at my office (Avery 202M). There is an envelope with the essay prompt and the map in it on my office door. Please take only one copy,
Article about Australian Aboriginal Map
The map itself--quite unlike most of the maps we have studied--but still used for purposes similar to those Harley discusses. See the linked article above for details.
Week 11 Mar. 29 Take home essay test due
Begin Money unit
Watch the following online videos and articles in class. No need to preview them.
Stephen Colbert on money
Ithaca Hours
How Money is Made
How ATM's Work
Analyze a US Dollar Bill as Language, Text, and Technology
Mar. 31 Read and discuss Weatherford Introduction and Chapters 1 & 2; In-class Exercises TBA; quiz Week 12 April 5 Read and discuss Weatherford Chapters 6, 7, and 12; emoney notes TBA; quiz
April 7 Read and discuss Weatherford Chapters 15 and 16; quiz
Gold in 2009;
2011 Gold Update
Credit Cards
Dorsey Square
Square cost
Week 13 April 12 Money - meet in MASC--use same groups as other visits. April 14 Money - meet in MASC--use same groups as other visits. Week 14 April 19 Money Project Workshop; Course evaluations
New designs for dollar bill
Map of Seattle--1912
April 21 Money Project due; presentation of money project to small groups
Gold prices top $1500/ounce; other metals high as well
Week 15 April 26 TBA April 28 No Class