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Last Updated:

20-Apr-2008 0:17 AM

Who We Are:
We are a council who represent all students living on campus in the residence halls, of which there are about 4,400. We are made up of 9 elected executives, 1 advisor, and 38 hall representatives (2 from each hall).

Our Mission & Goals:
Our mission is to ultimately better the residence life experience on our campus. Assisted by student involvement and the interests of other organizations we plan to accomplish our mission in three primary ways:

1) Support - Support campus organizations, students, multi-cultural and residence hall programs through funding and manpower.

2) Communicate - Communicate with world-class faculty, ASWSU, the Department of Residence Life, student groups, and between other Residence Hall Associations nationwide.

3) Advocate - Promote the voice of students by listening to and understanding resident needs and using this student-led input to influence higher decision making.