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20-Apr-2008 0:17 AM


The three RHA committees at Washington State University are Finance, Programming, and Residential Affairs (RAC). These committees give our council members a chance to use their talents, put student-led ideas into action, and really take ownership of RHA. The three committees are as follows:

Programming Committee:
Members of this group help plan and put on campus-wide events. These programs range from swing dances and fundraisers to all-hall Halo tournamnets. Whatever you'd like to see: this committee can make it happen.
• Meeting Time: Thursdays at 7:00 PM
• Location: CUE Atrium

Finance Committee:
This financial branch of RHA manages a $60,000 budget. They hear all funding requests and make recommendations to Council regarding what amounts should be given to external groups requesting funds.
• Meeting Time: Mondays at 5:30 PM
• Location: CUE 219

Resident Affairs Committee (RAC):
This team advocates for the residents issues of great concern relative to living in the residence halls. For instance, they have addressed in the past issues regarding recycling in the halls and on-campus dining options. They implement forums, group surveys, and other means of communication to tackle such topics as RDA rollowver, quiet hours, and pets in the halls, all with the goal of answering whatever questions and concerns residence hall students have.
• Meeting Time: Thursday at 4:10 PM
• Location: Stimson Hall Library