Howells's Contemporaries on the Web
Note: This list represents only a few of the authors whom
Howells knew or wrote about. If you have suggestions for additions to
this page, send
in the information and links.
Paul Laurence Dunbar
to the Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar. This site at the
University of Dayton includes a biographical sketch, poems both
in text form and read aloud by Herbert Woodward Martin, professor
emeritus at the University of Dayton, links to sites about Dunbar, teaching
resources, and other materials. Image is courtesy of this site.
Dunbar Digital Text Collection at Wright State University
Library includes over two hundred poems from these collections
as well as images of the covers: Howdy
Honey Howdy (Dodd Mead and Company, 1905); Li'L
Gal (Dodd Mead and Company, ca. 1896, 1904); and Lyrics
of Lowly Life (Dodd Mead and Company, 1896) with introduction
by W.D. Howells.
The Scriptorium
exhibit at Duke University provides biographical
information and audio
clips of a performance of William Grant Still's Afro-American
Symphony (1931), to which Grant added poetry by Dunbar. |
Garland. Keith Newlin's extensive scholarly site includes an
essay on Garland's literary creed, Garland's essay on French impressionism,
a collection of photographs, information on editing Garland, and
even 1937 film clips of Garland at his desk and making coffee.
Picture is courtesy of this site.
The Hamlin Garland
Society site contains a gallery of photographs, links to Garland's
works and other resources, an online membership form (no dues are required),
instructions for joining GARLAND-L, and many other materials. |
Henry James
Henry James Scholar's Guide to Web Sites. This extensive site
at New Paltz contains e-texts of The Sacred Fount, The
Golden Bowl, The Ambassadors, and other works. It
also includes movie reviews and many links to other sites
where James's works are available. Picture is courtesy of this
site. |
Theodore Dreiser
Dreiser Society. This site contains membership information,
a link to the Dreiser listserv, information on Dreiser Studies, and
even a Dreiser quiz.
Archives at the University of Pennsylvania.
Photo courtesy of the Theodore Dreiser
Papers, Special Collections, University of Pennsylvania, and the Theodore
Dreiser Society. |
Frank Norris
Frank Norris. Links to all
of Norris's works available on the web as well as an NPR "Book Club
of the Air" discussion with Norris scholar Joseph McElrath, Jr.
Frank Norris Society. 
Charles Gilman Norris. Although
none of Charles Norris's works are available online as yet, this page
provides a list of his works and F. Scott Fitzgerald's comments
on his novel Salt.
Photo reproduced from A Novelist
in the Making, ed. James D. Hart (Cambridge: Belknap Press of
Harvard U P, 1970) |
Benito Pérez Galdós
"I may say of the 'Dona Perfecta' of Galdos that no book, if I
except those of the greatest Russians, has given me a keener and
deeper impression; it is infinitely pathetic, and is full of humor,
which, if more caustic than that of Valdes, is not less delicious. But
I like all the books of Galdos that I have read, and though he seems
to have worked more tardily out of his romanticism than Valdes, since
be has worked finally into such realism as that of Leon Roch, his
greatness leaves nothing to be desired." W. D. Howells, Literary
Friends and Acquaintance
Benito Pérez
Galdós in the Columbia Encyclopedia
A picture
of Galdos (site in Spanish)
and suggested essay topics |
Edith Wharton
Wharton's World. An outstanding photo collection from an exhibit
at the Smithsonian curated by Eleanor Dwight and Viola Hopkins Winner.
Wharton Society. The Edith Wharton Society includes links to all
of Wharton's texts available online, links to other sites, bibliographies,
queries and responses, membership information, calls for papers, and
an index to the Edith
Wharton Review.
Photograph reproduced from The
Letters of Edith Wharton, edited by R. W. B. Lewis and Nancy
Lewis (New York: Macmillan/Collier Books, 1988). |
Constance Fenimore Woolson
Photograph reproduced from
Fred Kaplan's Henry James
The Imagination of Genius
(New York: William
Morrow, 1992) |
Constance Fenimore
Woolson Society Page. Created and maintained by Victoria
Brehm at Grand Valley State University, this authoritative and
comprehensive scholarly site includes a chronology of Woolson's
life, bibliographies of primary and secondary works, calls
for papers, pictures, teaching resources, and information
about the CFWS.
Constance Fenimore Woolson.
This page includes links to Woolson's works, including many stories from
the University of Michigan's Making of America Project.
General Sites about Howells's Contemporaries
P. Reuben's Perspectives in American Literature Pages. Part
of Perspectives in American Literature: A Research and Reference Guide, this
site includes links to sites about and extensive secondary bibliographies
on Sarah Orne Jewett, Charles W. Chesnutt, Frances E. W. Harper, and
most other contemporaries of Howells. |