Health Care Resources 

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Alternatives in Medicine


Diseases and Specialties


General Clinical Sites


Interesting Sites for NPs

Men's Health

Mental Health

NP Professional Information

Nursing Sites



Patient Education


Public Media Sources

Research for NPs


Sextually Transmitted Diseases

Smoking Cessation



Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

General Clinical Sites

Virtual Hospital
This site contains information on a number of medical specialties and includes teaching files, guidelines, patient simulations, and multimedia textbooks.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The CDC puts two journals online: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) and Emerging Infectious Diseases. You can also find extensive guidelines on infection control, immunizations, and hazardous substances.

Hospital Web
This site helps you to locate the Web sites of hospitals and medical organizations in the U.S. and around the world.

Online Clinical Calculator
The calculator lets you insert a patient's weight in pounds or his temperature in degrees Fahrenheit and then instantly converts it to kilograms and degrees Celsius. There are also electronic tools to quickly determine body surface area, body mass index, anion gap, and creatinine clearance.

Physical Exam
An online textbook offering basic instructions on how to take a complete history and do a physical, with diagrams.