Health Care Resources 

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Alternatives in Medicine


Diseases and Specialties


General Clinical Sites


Interesting Sites for NPs

Men's Health

Mental Health

NP Professional Information

Nursing Sites



Patient Education


Public Media Sources

Research for NPs


Sextually Transmitted Diseases

Smoking Cessation



Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Men's Health

The Impotence Resource Center
A non profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life by promoting a better understanding of impotence. The site includes information on causes and treatments for impotence; a bookstore; facts about impotence; and the opportunity to order a sample copy of their newsletter, Your Sextuality & Health.

Prostatitis Home
The best site on the Internet to find out about Page prostatitis. The site is sponsored by the Prostatitis Foundation and, as promised, includes a wide variety of information, including causes, treatments, fact sheets, patient-education materials, and more.

The Stop AIDS Project
Designed as a community-developed, grassroots organization to help gay and bisexual men stop AIDS. Although many resources at the site are specific for gay and bisexual men in the San Francisco area, the site does include educational resources that the developers encourage people to download and adapt for their own use.

The Diagnostic Center for Men
This site is a nation-wide network of specialty medical clinics that exclusively evaluate and treat men with sexual dysfunction. Today, 25 Diagnostic Centers are located throughout the U.S., with new centers opening each month. This site, the homepage of the Center, provides information on sexual dysfunction, including impotence, premature ejaculation, and erictile dysfunction.   Patient-education materials and other information are available at the site.

Health Resources
Health Resources and Services Administration.