Health Care Resources 

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Alternatives in Medicine


Diseases and Specialties


General Clinical Sites


Interesting Sites for NPs

Men's Health

Mental Health

NP Professional Information

Nursing Sites



Patient Education


Public Media Sources

Research for NPs


Sextually Transmitted Diseases

Smoking Cessation



Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Smoking Cessation

American Lung Association
No description offered.

American Heart Association
No description offered.

National Cancer Institute
No description offered.

The American Cancer Society
No description offered.

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
This site has extensive information on smoking Care and Policy Research cessation, including clinical practice guidelines and information on smoking during pregnancy.

Tobacco BBS
A free resource center focusing on tobacco and smoking issues, with up-to-date news and an open debate on related issues.

Tips: The CDC's Tobacco Information Prevention Sourcepage
This site offers the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's news, tips for kids, research and resources, and advice on how to quit.

The Action on Smoking and Health Home Web Page
This site provides facts and figures, government and legal information, articles on smoking cessation and up-to-date news plus a guide to help people contact their senator and representatives via e-mail.

The Master Ante-Smoking Page
For a "stop smoking" kit and a "smoke no more" forum, go to this site, designed to help people successfully manage withdrawal.

Nicnet: The Nicotine Tobacco Network
Site with links to a wealth of smoking-related and information such as The Tobacco Library (literature, research, legal info and news) plus a "tobacco death clock" and topics such as smoking in the entertainment industry.

SmithKline Beecham
No description offered.