Health Care Resources 

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Alternatives in Medicine


Diseases and Specialties


General Clinical Sites


Interesting Sites for NPs

Men's Health

Mental Health

NP Professional Information

Nursing Sites



Patient Education


Public Media Sources

Research for NPs


Sextually Transmitted Diseases

Smoking Cessation



Your comments and suggestions are welcome!

Research For Nurse Practitioner

Center for Nursing Research UT-H
Although the purpose of this center is to facilitate faculty research and to provide support services for the School's Program Evaluation Plan, the page and its links offer valuable information to others. Conference info, grant info, and other applicable material is presented.

National Institute of Nursing Research
The primary recognized entity promoting nursing research. Offers a variety of relevant information. This homepage has presentations on extramural and intramural research. discussion of programs along with information on funding, types of research and and training mechanisms available, training opportunities, copies of grant applications and review processes are all presented.

Midwest Nursing Research Society
This home page provides info about assorted matters pertaining to nursing research, funding sources, publications, program meetings, and general information about the society.  Information is also offered regarding MNRS Research Grants available to its members.

School of Nursing - Research Support Center (UNC-CH)
Research pages of many nursing schools can provide valuable info about types of projects currently being funded and funding sources.