technical and professional writing
engl 402.01 summer 2010
patricia freitag ericsson
Avery 223 Phone: 335-4820
Summer office hours by appointment
Textbook Abbreviations
CG - A Concise Guide to Technical Communication
NDDB - Non-Designer's Design BookThis schedule may change as the course progresses. Check here often to see assignment updates, discussion topics, and more.
Week 1 May 10
MondayIntroduction to class; review of syllabus, schedule, academic honesty policy; listen to NPR on Technical writing,
Take me out to the ballgame;
May 11
TuesdayIntroduction to Technical Communication
Before Class
1) Read CG: Chapter 1;
2) Complete Exercise 1, p. 12 (online) or p. 14 (book) by class time;
3) Read Markel on ethics; be prepared to write about the article in class (bring printout of article to class)During Class
Notes on Gurak and Lannon Chapter 1
Spaghetti bowl military analysis
NY Times and PPTMay 12
WednesdayUnit 1: Rhetorical Approaches to Job Applications
Before Class
1) Complete OWL Skills Checklist and bring to class
2) Locate and bring to class three (3) job ads that you could apply for after graduation
3) Read ethical concerns in job searches to prepare for class discussion and for in-class writing
During Class
Discuss ads and Skills Checklist
Discuss and write on ethical concerns
Review Job Application Portfolio formatMay 13
ThursdayAML Orientation and Workshop: Bring CG to class
Before Class
1) Read CG: Chapter 2 and article on e-resumes
During Class
In consultation with a partner (2 only, please) complete the following:
1) choose one job for application--discuss all ads and with the help of a partner, decide which is the best to apply for;
2) using the online resources of the OWL complete the following-- a) should be completed with your partner; b,c,d) completed individuallya) with your partner, complete an oral ad analysis--read through the OWL resources and fully discuss the ad;
b) write at least two informal paragraphs explaining why you are qualified for this job; include information you learned from the analysis in a) and the Skills Checklist you completed for Wednesday;
c) using the OWL resources write at least two informal paragraphs explaining what you have found out about the company you are applying to and how your personal and career goals are compatible with the company's outlook;
d) write a one page analysis of your audience for this application package using the Audience Checklist found on p. 30 of CG.
***For graduate/professional school application complete the following (if you are preparing documents for application to graduate school, you will write a personal statement rather than an application letter):
a) same as a) above, but analyze grad school application requirements
b) write two informal paragraphs explaining why you are qualified for this graduate school; includ information you learned from your analysis in a).
c) based on an analysis of the information found online about your particular grad school, write at least two paragraphs explaining what you've found out about the school and how your personal and career goals are compatible with the grad school's offerings
d) write a one page analysis of your audience for this application using the Audience Checklist found on p. 30 of CG.May 14
FridayApplication letter workshop: meet in AML
Bring CG to class!
Before Class
1) Read CG: p. 193-200
2) Read Munschauer;
3) Write critique of application letter that appears CG on p. 195 --use specific points from the Munschauer article to frame your critique; job ad for letter (necessary to appropriately critique the letter); have critique ready to hand in a beginning of class today.
During Class
Discuss Munschauer article and critique
Workshop on Application letter; for job application letters use the OWL Example Employment Documents; for graduate school applications use the OWL resources on writing the personal statement
Week 2 May 17
MondayDiscuss Resume Format/Application Letter Peer Review : meet in AML
Draft 1 of Cover Letter Due (copy of job ad and one copy)
Before Class
1) Read CG: p. 202-207
2) OWL(read all links); if you are applying to graduate or professional school read the information about the Curriculum Vitae at the OWL
3) Read Format choices and select the style that will suit your application; write brief justification of that choice
4) Complete Draft 1 of Cover Letter - bring job ad and one printed copy to class; if you're applying to graduate or professional school, bring draft of your personal statement as well as basic information on applying to the school.
During Class
Peer Review of Cover Letter
May 18
TuesdayDesigning with Type: meet in AML
Draft 1 of Resume Due (one copy needed); Bring NDDB to class
Before Class
Read NDDB: Chapters 9-11 (Designing with Type)
During Class
Resume draft workshop; OWL Action Verb explanation; OWL Action Verb list
With a partner, complete the following steps for each of the four linked resumes found below.Write a brief analysis for each step.
1: Analyze Examples 1, 2, 3 and 5 using the concepts of concordance, conflict, and contrast from chapter 9 of NDDB;
2: Identify the type faces used in the same examples based on the categories presented in Chapter 10 of NDDB;
3: Critique the combinations of size, weight, structure, form, and direction used in the three examples based on NDDB Chapter 11.
4: With your partner, look your resumes and critique them based on what you've learned in these Chapters and the analyses you've completed. Write a brief overview of how you will revise your resume based on what you've learned.Links for inclass exercise: Example 1; Example 2; Example 3; Example 4;
May 19
Letter and Resume Revisions Due: meet in AML
Bring job ad and two copies of letter and resume
During Class
Peer AnalysisMay 20
ThursdayBegin Unit 2: Document Redesign Project (DRP)
Meet in AML
Before Class
1) Read CG: Chapter 8 and 9;
2) Complete Exercise #1 on p. 180 of CG--bring article to class with list of visualsDuring Class
1) Review Job App Portfolio format
2) Introduce Document Redesign Project
3) Work with visuals from #2 abovee
4) Analyze visuals via the checklist on p. 180
Links for resume/letter revisions
Review parallelism and comma useMay 21
FridayMeet in AML
Class begins at 9:30 so you have and time to print and put your Job Portfolio together in AML. Make sure you get reading below done before class too!Revised drafts of Job Application materials due for final evaluation; presented in Job Application Portfolio format
UsabilityBefore Class
1) Read CG: Chapter 3 (Usability);
2) Read Jakob Nielsen web materials;
During Class
Read usability notes
Complete Usability WorksheetWeek 3 May 24
MondayMeet in AML; bring NDDB to class
Before Class
Read NDDB: Chapters 1-6; (pp.1-86)During Class
With your DARS partner, review the following pages in the NDDB: 32, 50, 64, and 80. Once you have done that, complete the assignment below.
In-class assignment: Ireland; AnglerMay 25
TuesdayMeet in AML;
Details of DARS ProjectMay 26
WednesdayMeet in AML; Workshop day May 27
ThursdayMeet in AML; Draft of DRP report due for peer review; peer review information May 28
FridayNo Class Week 4 May 31
June 1
TuesdayMeet in AML: Workshop day June 2
WednesdayOral presentations of DRP (attendance required); final draft of materials due when you present June 3
ThursdayOral presentations of DRP (attendance required); final draft of materials due when you present June 4
FridayBegin Unit 3: Collaborative Repurposing Project
Meet in AML; Introduction to Collaborative Repurposing Project; brainstormingWeek 5 June 7
MondayEthics, Copyright and Privacy; Read Chapter 6 of CG before coming to class; bring your field or discipline's code of ethics to class for discussion. June 8
TuesdayPitch Proposal Presentations (attendance required) June 9
WednesdayPitch Proposal Presentations continued (attendance required); teams composed for Research Report; Pitch Proposal Written Reports due. June 10
ThursdayMeet in AML; Workshop day: complete Repurpose Justification. June 11
FridayMeet in AML: Memo writing workshop; Reading 1; Reading 2; CG p. 189-192;
Parts of a Memo;
Format of a Memo;
Sample Memo
Progress memo detailsWeek 6 June 14
MondayMeet in AML; Oral presentation practice; Repurposing Project details June 15
TuesdayMeet in AML; In-class team workshop; course evaluations; Progress Memo due by midnight: Repurpose Oral Presentation Requirements June 16
WednesdayMeet in AML; In-class team workshop; Completion Memo details June 17
ThursdayFinal presentations (attendance required)--final draft due when you present; colleague evaluations; do one for each of your final project colleaguesand email it to June 18
FridayFinal presentations (attendance required)--final draft due when you present; Completion Memo due by midnight. In addition to the Completion Memo, please complete a colleague evaluation for each member of your team and email it to Mail your Completion Memo to the same address.