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Old Lab Notes*

* - These are designed to suppliment your own notes, NOT REPLACE THEM. Each TA focuses on different material, so these may or may not match their lecture.

Set 1 (from David Wolf)

Set 2 (from Justin Murphy)

Lab 1 - Conversions and Isostasy
Lab 2 - Plate Tectonics and Magma
Lab 3 - Mineral Identification
Lab 4 - Rock Cycle
Lab 5a - Igneous Rocks
Lab 5b - Volcanic Hazards
Lab 6 - Sedimentary Rocks
Lab 7 - Metamorphic Rocks
Lab 9 - Topographic Maps
Lab 10 - Geologic Structures and Maps
Lab 11 - Stream Processes
Lab 12 - Groundwater
Lab 13 - Glacial Processes
Lab 16 - Earthquakes
Lab 1 - Conversions and Isostasy
Lab 2 - Plate Tectonics and Magma
Lab 3 - Mineral Identification
Lab 5a - Igneous Rocks
Lab 6 - Sedimentary Rocks
Lab 7 - Metamorphic Rocks
Lab 8 - Geologic Dating
Lab 9 - Topographic Maps
Lab 10 - Geologic Structures and Maps
Lab 13 - Glacial Processes
Lab 16 - Earthquakes